Chapter 27

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It's been two weeks, three days, five hours and thirty minutes since she's left me. Not that I'm counting or anything. I missed her smile, the smell of her vanillia tea shampoo, her soft shy smile when she saw me or had to speak in front of a small chord, the way she sang to the kids at the orphanage like she was some angel from Heaven. I missed every little thing about Anna and I knew it was all thrown away. There was no way I'd be able to save the hope of us being together that was slowly sinking to the ocean floor. I sighed softly and looked down at my hands, leaning forward and my elbows leaning on my knees and my hands clasped together. I bowed my head farther down as I heard the boys coming from wherever they had gone tonight after the concert in New York City. I stood up, walking quietly to my bed curling up, the blankets close to covering my head completely, and quietly laying there as Harry let out a loud belt of laughter. The sound was so joyous it made me smile a little bit before I remembered what a loser I had been to my best friends the night that Anna left the stadium before I could even go after her and plead for her not to leave me alone, again.

~after the concert~

"Why did you do that?!" the scream ripped out of my throat as soon as I came into the dressing room. "I could've gone after her!" I knew, and possibly the boys knew as well, that I was only screaming because I was trying to keep from breaking down and sobbing. Just like I did when she left two years ago. Both Zayn and Harry had held me back from running off the stage and going after Anna. Louis had helped and Liam just walked to the dressing room not really saying much to anyone about anything.

"Niall. Please calm down. If she still wants to love you she can come back for you or she'll let us know. Give her some time and sp-"

"That's easy for you to say Louis! You're not the one that has their heart breaking into a million pieces and wondering if you'll ever be able to float above water again because the girl of your dreams has walked away from you," I glare at Liam, knowing that if looks would kill I would've killed him the second she left the dressing room after she found us in a fist fight. "Because your supposed friend has decided to be a jerk." I bit my cheek seeing the pain wash over Liam's face as he quickly glanced down to the ground. I looked at the boys and ran out of the room, not caring or wanting to care about what the fans were going to say. All I knew was I had to leave the room before I broke down crying in front of the boys again.

~In the hotel room~

Tears silently ran down my cheeks as the lock on the door clicked and the loud laughing, possibly drunk boys walked into the room.

"Welllll..." Harry giggled a little bit, easily drunk. That wasn't hard to predict. They're drunk for the second time this week, probably because they wanted to get away from my grumpy butt. "That washss fun"

"Yeah. I wish Niall was there though." Zayn said a little quietly. "Things aren't the same without him and his Irish comedy." I bit my lip and shifted a little bit in the bed, my head burying into the pillow a little bit more to hide the small hiccups from the lack of air. He would be the one that wasn't drunk, for some reason ever since Liam and I have started fighting Zayn stopped drinking.

"Zayn you know that won't happen unless he decides to come out of his shell." Even Louis was speaking softly. This wasn't normal.

"I shouldn't have done what I did." Liam spoke remorsefully, regret and shame laced into the words so much my heart began to hurt and I wanted to get up and hug him, let everything go and just move on from everything that had happened.

"Liam.." Louis almost whispered.

"No Louis. I shouldn't have been a jerk to him or Anna." Oh, how my heart hurt from the sound of her name rolling off his lips. "It was stupid and immature of me." His voice somehow had grown quieter and thicker, his emotions carrying through in his whispering voice.

"Look Liam. He needs to come to you. He needs to talk to you before you can resolve the problems. Until then just forget about it please?" Harry almost seemed like he was pleading. He was one to never really like fights in the first place.

My thoughts rolled through my mind constantly, never leaving me alone. Her voice ringing into the depths of my brain. "You need to forgive him and patch things up with him before you can get with me. I'm not going to be the reason for the band breaking up. I'm sorry Niall." If only I could've told her then. If only I had the courage to let those eight words out, even if it was blurted out, if only I could've said something. My hand slipped into my pocket and held the small box, that I knew at some point would used on someone special, holding onto it tightly and breathing out a small prayer as sleep overcame my broken heart.

"Let me see her please so I can at least tell her I love her."


Hey so yeah. Here's the next chapter. I hope you like it. I know I do. There is one thing though. I know I said that there was like 5 chapters left like two chapters ago but I love this story so much I want to expand a little bit more. So... I do not know how many more chapters there will be but I do know that it would be a total of 30 chapters.

I also want to apologize for taking so long to update on the chapter. Back when I had last updated the chapter in December I was somehow able to get a hold of myself to write something. My father had passed away like two weeks beforehand and it's honestly not getting any easier, but I can't really do anything about it, if I'm being honest. Also I'm working and starting my second semester of college so it's going to be a bit hectic.

For those of you that are my friends, I want to apologize for not being the best friend and I know it seems like we're strangers but I'm working on talking more to you. I just have to figure out how and when ill be able to be strong enough to talk to you.

Anyways, onto something else, please let me know how you feel about the chapter and it kinda would be nice than to get more than just the same person commenting on my book. Not that I don't love you Miranda but you're a one woman team and its hard to encourage an elephant to walk by yourself.

Thank you for waiting and I love you all.

Love your fathers and hold onto them no matter what. If they're not in your life now at least you still have a chance to change things between the two of you. I hope so at least. It can be changed though. I can guarantee that much for you.

Love ya,
Althea Heatherly

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