Chapter 28

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My hand slipped into my pocket and held the small box, that I knew at some point would used on someone special, holding onto it tightly and breathing out a small prayer as sleep overcame my broken heart.

"Let me see her please so I can at least tell her I love her."


"Let me see her please so I can at least tell her I love her." My heart twisted inside my chest and a knot grew in my stomach. I need to fix things with Niall. We need to talk. Fans were beginning to worry and wonder what was wrong with Niall and how I got my black eye, not that I would tell them that Niall and I had gotten into a fight. We told the fans that I had hit my head on something as I fell out of bed one night. They now think of me as some person that does clumsy things and some fans have sent me anything from bandages to soup to help me "get better soon."

My eyes fell to the now sleeping blonde boy that had become my best friend and I wondered how things would work out. The what ifs and doubts rose inside my head as I try to play situations in my mind of how things would go when I finally would be able to corner him enough so we could talk, every situation ending up as him being the one that fighting us talking to each other and him hating me even more.

I'm not the paranoid type but with as much as has been going on with Niall, I'm really scared that management won't want us back, or any other company for that matter. The head honchos all saying something about Niall needing to grow up and get use to life or he'll have some consequences that he won't like. It was hard for my to understand and I didn't want to think about it, knowing Niall wouldn't be happy if he had to go to an interview that we didn't tell him about earlier than I wanted it to be. I glanced at my phone to check the time.


Too late on one hand and too early on the other. One I could go to bed and maybe not wake up or I could stay up and not go to sleep. My head fell back to the pillow and sighed. Yeah, no. I'm going to bed.


The sound of someone's phone alarm going off caused me to wake up and automatically turn it off, not checking to see who's it was. The numbers of the clock bright and big showing me something too early.


Yep back to bed. I flopped back onto my pillow before realizing that someone was laying beside me. I glanced over at the body and instantly knew who it was. My use to be best friend, Liam. Not much after the alarm went off a notification for an interview popped up on the open screen. Are you freaking kidding me? I have to go to an interview and no one, again, tells me that we're having one. I sigh and roll my eyes, getting out of bed quietly before going to take a shower. I guess I've really been out of the loop lately, not really saying anything to anyone and hoping they would talk to me. Louis was right. I do need to go to Liam and talk to him before this gets worse but I really don't know if I want to. I just don't want to. I don't want to go back to what happened between Liam and I anymore. It's too hard to think about Anna.

Speaking of Anna, I hope she's okay. She's probably out with her friends, happy and laughing. Or she's laying in her bed, crying an being depressed. Neither of the two thoughts seemed to settle with my mind. Yes, I want her happy but I want her happy with me by her side. I want us to be happy forever. I just want Ann-

"Niall hurry up. I have to go to the bathroom." Louis interrupts my thoughts. I sigh quietly and pull my jeans and shirt on before walking out of the bathroom, muttering something about not telling me about the interview. Louis pulled me into a weird friend hug and whispered quietly.

"Look, Niall. Talk to Liam please. You both need to talk. I know you're mad at him but please, for the band at least, talk to him." I nodded slightly and pulled away from him.

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