Chapter 20

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They've already left for their first part of the tour. There was no turning back. I can't run after Liam and try to get him back. Not this time and not anytime soon. I wiped my eyes on my sleeve and walked down to the kitchen. My headphones still plugged into my ears as I come into sunlight. I looked down at my phone again, seeing I had a notification from twitter.

"What did you do to Liam? You're such an ugly jerk. I knew you would break his heart." Tears started rolling down my cheeks even more and I threw my phone against the wall, sinking to the floor. I couldn't deal with this anymore. None of the fans knew how much I was hurting. They didn't know that he was the one that broke up with me. I really loved him but now he was gone. He was okay, he had Dani to go to for help. I didn't. I had no one. Natalie was constantly with her new boyfriend and  was always running off now-a-days to somewhere and Janie was either with Harry, at work or at school. I picked up my newly cracked screen phone, and opened the twitter app. The truth needed to be told before I did something stupid or that I would regret later.

"Liam broke up with me. I wouldn't break up with an amazing person like him. I miss him greatly and would like it if you would stop the hate. Thanks." I hit the send button before I could stop myself from not sending the tweet. I stared at my mentions for a little bit, reading the messages as the tears fell down my cheeks. Most of the people that were being mean beforehand were apologizing and wishing me well. How come this was so hard? If only Cassie was here. If only she wasn't dead. Wait... Cassie. I stumbled up to my room and found the journal that I had dedicated to her. I cracked the journal open to the first clean sheet and scribbled as quickly as I could, letting the emotions flow from me and letting my broken heart speak as best as I could without breaking down in tears again.

                                                                                                                                                January 25


It's been so long since I've talked to you. That's all my fault. If I hadn't been so busy I would've been talking to you every day like we always did back when... Anyways, I've been working much harder than I normally do and I feel like it's because I miss you so much. Everyday right now is a struggle, must be my fault though. I'm the reason for most things, yanno? It started the day that, your favorite boy ever, Liam Payne asked me out. We were happy and we really clicked. I actually thought that there was a chance that we would last. However,  all of my dreams have to be shattered. He broke up with me just a couple days ago and I can't seem to recover from that. It's like the last straw in my hat. It's like there's nothing I can do anymore to make myself happy. Okay so maybe not that depressing but I just want to cry constantly and cuddle with someone, but no one is here for that to happen. Is that so hard?

Oh is it also weird that I can't stop thinking about my dad? All I can think about is that night after he died. Remember when I told you about that crazy blonde haired boy that did everything he could to make me smile? He sang to me, he told me stories of him and his crazy friends, and he even told me stories of what he did in that infamous X Factor house. He cuddled with me and told me that even though things were looking so bad at the moment that it would work out and everything would be okay. That night was one of the best comforting nights i can remember. His blue eyes and dyed hair won't leave my mind. Will I ever get to see this person again?

I really miss you Cassie. I wish you were here.

I love you,



She didn't see me and that made me happy. No one would be able to stop me from hurting this broken girl in front of me. If she didn't me then no one would have her. I quietly stepped forward and covered her mouth and eyes quickly. Freaking hell. She can kick. I brought the knife up to her neck when I heard a loud scream from behind me.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" I looked back to see Natalie and Kyle standing in the doorway. The knife slide down to Anna's side and sliced through the skin.


What was going on? All I could feel was the knife digging into my skin, blood streaming down my side. The hand on my mouth and eyes was yanked away and I fell to the floor, screaming out in pain as the knife came out. The guy that just stabbed me was making his way to Daisy Natalie and the knife was raised. With all the strength I could muster I raise my hand and yanks his pants down just as the police come into the room. Black dots cloud my vision and my head falls to the floor.

"Anna, please stay awake." Natalie whispered into my ear and played with my hair softly. Leaning into her touch and feel paramedics cut open the side of my shirt. It all felt like a blur and I wasn't sure what exactly was happening. Someone picked me up and laid me down on a stretcher and I felt a blanket of blackness cover me. I felt safe and warm.


Okay so you can see that the picture is Anna, and the song is for first part of the chapter. Everything seems to be coming together, slowly.

SO I may have had 6 cups of coffee before I wrote this chapter but I kinda was already planning something like this soo... I hope you like this.

Please tell me what you think. pwease? *pouts* I need help with what you think and it's not fair that no one tells me something besides my friend Miranda. Who is the best friend ever! Hehe

Also I would like to welcome my friend Courtney, Ziallxziam, to the wattpad family.

Comment/vote/ share.

Thank you for over a thousand reads. i love you guys so much.


Althea Heatherly

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