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Jaden Briggs →

"I wonder what it would be like to dance with Kris Hamilton. Alone but not alone. In the company of the universe. Stars dancing around us, singing, glowing..."

"Snap. out. of it." Kari handed me the bow to my violin. "Ms. C is gonna crucify you if you keep daydreaming in her class."

"Even better than dancing... kissing. Oh, to kiss Kris Hamilton. I bet his lips are like rose petals. The kind you can't stop touching because it feels like silk between your fingers."

"Jaden, I'm serious. Take the poetry elsewhere."

The bell rang, blaring through the room and the halls. The orchestra students packed up their instruments and put them in their respective places.

"Thank god we have lunch. I haven't eaten like all day," Kari groaned as we exited the room. We walked down the hallway and we were close to the cafeteria when we bumped into our other friend, Mae Struss. Kari eyed Mae's cheerleading uniform and raised her eyebrows noncommittally. "Wow. It's official, huh?"

"Yep! I'm finally a cheerleader. Voila!" Mae outstretched her arms, following us into the cafeteria.

"Does it come with instant fame and fortune? Aka popularity? Because someone has to introduce Jaden to Kris H."

Mae looked at me and I averted my eyes. "Just introduce yourself, J."

"He's practically untouchable. I'd have to be much higher on the social ladder just to look at him without being questioned. Much less talk to him. Besides, Corbyn's gonna take my gesture the wrong way and make my life miserable. He's done it to others."

Corbyn Starr. Where do I begin? Well, the most important thing to know about him is that he's Kris Hamilton's boyfriend. They're unmistakably the most popular couple in the entire school. It's a funny story actually. Last year-freshman year-Kris was new but everyone stopped in their tracks because of his looks, personality, football victories, intelligence, wealth, you name it. They worshipped him and he even came out as bisexual.

So not only did girls chase after him, but boys were on the prowl as well.

Corbyn won, to put it simply. They've been together ever since. Everyone saw it coming. I mean, Corbyn was the King Bee of the school. And, as the star of the drama program, he elevated the theater program.

"But at least Kris will know your name," Mae pointed out, always finding the positive side of a situation.

"Careful, your optimism is showing and it's quite blinding," Kari grumbled.

"He'll know my name, sure. Then forget it five seconds later. No thank you. It's not worth the next two to three years of sadistic torture and aching misery."

"Then you'll just have to make a statement. That's what I did and now I'm on the cheer team. You get what you want when you do something unforgettable. That's the key."

"Are you gonna sit with us, Miss Unforgettable?" Kari asked her. "Or does Queen Bee await your presence at her table?"

Ah, the Queen Bee. The one whose name shall not be mentioned. Kidding-her name was Brooklyn Winters. She was best friends with Corbyn, and runner up for the prize that was Kris H. Whatever. She was even deadlier because... well, let's be honest. She was a girl. And girls hold grudges. Kari and I had even made a bet with Mae that she was pretending to be Corbyn's friend just to get close to Kris, and that any day, she'd snap.

We were looking forward to it.

Anyway, as anyone can infer, she was captain of the cheer team. And just to fit the stereotype, yes, she was your typical blue eyed blonde bombshell.

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