"There you are"

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Thorin and his company walked through the dense forest chatting quietly. Anyone else would have been nervous because the forest was a little dark and quiet...too quiet that was almost unnerving. Bilbo kept close enough to Bofur and Bifur and kept glancing over his shoulder like he was expecting something to pounce at him any minute now.

"Why are you so calm?" he asked Bofur who's at the moment merrily talking with Gloin. 

"Shouldn't I be?" Bofur looked at Bilbo without really understanding why the halfling was so nervous. 

"This forest...it's way too quiet to my liking," Bilbo muttered peeking to his left gripping tightly to his coat like it's the only thing that's keeping his nerves in check. Gloin came to walk by his side and dropped his hand over Bilbo's shoulder.

"There's nothing to fear. We have Thorin's..." his sentence was cut short by a distant, strong howl of a wolf that stops the whole company to their tracks. 

"Dwalin!" Thorin's rich, a deep baritone voice emanated from somewhere in the front. 

"Aye!" warrior's gruff voice was heard, and he then walked past Thorin taking a firm grip of his ax. Everyone was ready to fight. Fili's twin swords were in front of him, ready to strike down any enemy that came to his path. Kili was glancing his surroundings, bow and arrow ready in his hands. 

Everyone was on their guard.  

"What was that? Was it a wolf?" Bilbo asked, a slight panic rising in his chest. 

"Aye. It was. Let us hope it wasn't a common wolf but a..." Bofur answered while looking ahead waiting for something. 

"But what? Let's hope what?" Bilbo looked at Bofur but he didn't answer because there's a noise. Thorin and Dwalin were standing side by side gazing through the woods.

There was movement between the trees, quiet rustling as someone or something was heading toward the company.

Then Bilbo saw it. 

A huge silver-white wolf with golden eyes emerged from the bushes and stopped in front of Thorin and Dwalin. 

"That's one big scary looking wolf..." Bilbo whispered eyes wide open. But to his great surprise, everyone relaxed and Thorin lowered his sword and the expression on his face softened.

Fili and Kili chuckled. Yes, the wolf was big, standing tall its head was way above Thorins and even Dwalin's. And its muzzle alone was as long as Bilbo's arm. But nobody seemed to be afraid of the animal. Why was that? Bilbo couldn't help but wonder.

Wolf's nostrils flickered as it took a sniff on the air. Thorin waited patiently and let his gaze wander over the wolf's form. Its silver-white fur was shining where every ray of light touched it, big paws supported the weight of the animal and long bushy tail swayed a few times signaling it's the current mood. 

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