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I always rested the day after a fight and the day before the next one, but the rest of the week I trained. My cell was small, twelve by twelve with a cot and a toilet, but I made the most of the space. Every day I worked my body until I couldn't go any more, then I rested, ate and went again. Day in and day out I honed my reflexes, got stronger, better.

All the while I waited for my chance. It had been months, but someday they would make a mistake and I would be able to get Kate and I out of this. I had to. That was part of the reason I allowed myself the friendship with Merle. I told myself I might be able to use him one day. Or, more likely, one day old Merle would decide he had had enough of The Governor and might consider me an ally.

It was Saturday again when Merle came swaggering down with Martinez trailing behind. He was always a jackass when Martinez was there, he had to be. He couldn't be seen making friends with prisoners. It would be seen as a weakness and he couldn't afford to have his loyalty questioned. I understood that and we both played our parts.

Merle sneered as he approached the bars. I was in the middle of stretching, trying to prepare myself for whatever the Governor had thought up to use to punish me for what I had done last week. I didn't feel bad about what I had done to that woman, and maybe that would bother me someday, but there was no place for morality in here. There couldn't be. If I hesitated for one second I could get myself seriously hurt or killed. So instead of feeling bad I was just annoyed with myself that now I would no doubt face something worse. I had insulted The Governor's fragile ego and that was a dangerous thing to do to a man like him.

Merle threw a pile of clothes through the bars at me. I only ever got new clothes on fight night, so I would look like he took care of me. Shorts, new underwear, bra and a tank top. Same thing every week. I climbed to my feet and picked up the clothes. Shorts, underwear and a sports bra.

"Hey asshole, you forget something?" I called to Merle as he walked away.

He smirked at my words but his eyes were serious and spoke volumes when he met my gaze. "Sorry Barbie, The Governor changed your costume."

I ground my teeth and gave a curt nod so he would know I didn't blame him for this.

Merle still looked grave, and that was starting to worry me. He shouldn't look that worried over a simple outfit change. Fighting in a sports bra was hardly the worst thing that could happen, I wasn't that modest, and privacy was nothing but a distant memory after months in this cell.

Merle cleared his throat. "Now you be a good little Barbie doll and change your clothes."

Martinez was hanging back, he usually did, I had long since scared him. He was watching over Merle's shoulder, however, enjoying the little games of torment The Governor cooked up. Martinez was a coward and a bully. Merle leaned into the bars so he looked like he was leering at me just like he did every week.

I sighed angrily and pulled off my tank top throwing it at his face before turning my back to him and changing the rest of my clothes. Normally The Governor was present to witness this little hoop he made me jump through, it surprised me that he missed it. Maybe he had finally grown sick of me. I could certainly hope.

Merle put on the show for Martinez though, just like he normally would have if The Governor were standing beside him. He made rude comments and cat calls which all seemed terribly over the top to me, but Martinez chuckled with him. I ignored them both as my mind started racing through all the things that could have Merle looking so upset.

When I was done I turned around the threw the rest of my dirty clothes at Merle's face, glaring daggers at him.

Martinez barked out a laugh behind him. "Guess you not as good with ladies as you thought? Eh, ese?" Martinez asked.

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