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Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for being such awesome readers! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your votes and LOVE reading your comments! I hope you enjoy this update! 

Happy Reading!



The room looked more like a living room than the rec rooms the soldiers had downstairs. There were plush leather couches and a bar set up in the corner. The four women were lounging around, but when I stepped into the room they turned to look at me with polite interest. There was a sameness about each of them even though none of them resembled each other. They each had long perfectly straight hair and wore short black dresses. It seemed Negan had a type. Feeling a little self conscious I ran a hand through my own short, messy hair ruffling it a little. As though it wasn't already apparent enough that I was unlike these women in every way. Seeing them here it made me wonder if I had somehow made up the supposed chemistry between Negan and I. Maybe that was just how Negan was with people. Because looking at these beautiful women with their perfect make up I knew there was no way Negan would have ever been interested in me.

I turned back to face Negan as he closed the door behind himself. He was standing in the doorway, his head cocked to the side with an amused smirk stretching across his face. He had done this on purpose, brought me into this room with these women specifically to watch me squirm. He knew how I felt and he was having fun with me.

I tightened my jaw and fisted my hands at my sides. "I asked to speak with you in private," I said flicking my eyes over to the women. They weren't even pretending not to be listening. Instead they were watching Negan and I closely. Had they heard about me? Part of me wondered if they were sizing me up for a black cocktail dress. Well now that they had seen me in person they could rest assured they had nothing to worry about.

"Oh come on Hot Friend. These are my wives. This is private. They are my partners in life. I trust them...intimately," he rolled the word around his mouth and there was a suggestive gleam in his eye.

My eyes dropped to his lips and his smile grew wider. A knowing chuckle rumbled in his chest and I looked away, angry with myself for letting him get to me like this. I was over tired and not as in control of my thoughts as I should be, but I still couldn't let him get the best of me. He was playing a game and I was losing.

He chuckled knowingly and my eyes snapped back up to glare at him. I tightened my jaw. I wasn't doing this. 

Stop, reset. 

I let go of all of my anger and looked up at him seriously . "I need to speak with you," I said, my voice carefully controlled.

The laughter slowly left his eyes as he studied my face.

I gestured around myself. "I wouldn't be here for any other reason I can promise you that."

Negan nodded gravely. "Get out," he commanded without looking at the women.

As though they were puppets with their strings pulled every one of them turned without hesitation and fled out of the room. I frowned as I watched them go. Only fear made people react like that. I glanced back at Negan. He claimed he didn't tolerate anyone hurting women here, but if that was true then there was something else he had done to make them afraid.

He was watching me slyly, as though he were waiting for me to figure something out. Maybe if I wouldn't have been so tired and feeling so vulnerable I would have been able to figure it out. I might have been able to play his game. But honestly I just didn't have the energy.

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