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Life returned to normal. Or as normal as my life could be in this hell hole. The only difference was, everything got a whole lot worse.

I had embarrassed him in front of his guest, I should have known better, should have had more control. It was easy to berate myself sitting in my cell alone. That didn't mean I would have been capable of any action other than what I had done. I didn't regret it. Though I regretted not stabbing him when I have the chance.

I also regretted how my life has changed since. I was down to one meal a day. Martinez brought it down late in the evening, long after the kitchens had closed and it was always cold. That was now also the only time of day I ever saw the light. Per The Governor's orders the cellblock door stayed sealed the rest of the time and my life became one of eternal night.

It was just me and the snarling biters next door alone in the dark. It surprised me that the added darkness made it so I couldn't sleep. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face when I was awake. I had no idea when I was dreaming, drowning in nightmares, or alone in the dark. The lack of sleep was starting to wear on me, but I didn't stop the training, not for a second, I couldn't. When I couldn't tell if I was awake or asleep I trained. Sit ups, push ups, pull ups, shadow boxing, jumping jacks, kick boxing...anything I could think of. I moved and I moved until I was so exhausted it didn't matter if I was awake or asleep. I worked my body until I was too exhausted for the nightmares to find me.

I paid for what I had done in the ring as well. He pushed me, both times unleashing more biters than I had ever faced and instead of staggering them, he turned them all loose at once. After the first week I convinced he was trying to kill me.

It didn't take long for the good people of Woodbury to figure that out as well. The second week they didn't even clap. I stood, barely managing to keep my feet, injured and gore splattered over the corpses of fifteen biters. The same biters that had been snarling at me all week in the dark.

Only one person was clapping.

I didn't think, I didn't hesitate I just flung one of the knives. I was too tired and too hurt and the lights were blinding. There were surprised screams from the crowds.

I turned and staggered back towards my cell, not bothering to wait for my guards. I knew the way.

I heard the knife clatter off the bleachers and couldn't find it in me to even be relieved I hadn't hit an innocent bystander. I snorted, and it hurt. I was hurt. There were no innocents here. If I lived, I was going to burn this place to the ground.

The guards didn't follow me and that surprised me a little, but I was too tired to care. There was no way out. The cellblock door was locked. The only open door was my cell. I shuffled into it, pulling the door closed behind me with my free hand. The key was still in the lock and my hand hovered over it as my thoughts raced.

It took a painfully long time for my thoughts to arrange themselves into a decision. I twisted the key, locking myself in. I pulled it out and rushed over to my cot. It was dark in the cellblock. The only light was coming from the door to the ring, which I hadn't bothered to close and no one had followed me yet. I shifted the cot and using the blade I dug a small trench beneath the left leg, I dropped the key in, covered it and moved the cot back into position.

There was shouting out in the ring. I couldn't imagine the fit The Governor was throwing over my stunt tonight. I pressed the back of my closed fist against my forehead, squeezing my eyes shut as though I could block out the pounding pain in my temples. He had been trying to kill me for two weeks. Now I had given him a reason for an execution.

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