Kagamine Rinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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Hmm... Where do I start? She's an absolute bitch. She likes to shove her popularity in people's faces like Miku does. I swear I'm going to kill her one day. Speaking of that, did you know that she actually dies more than Len does? Crazy isn't it. And she's always boasting about herself. I guess that's why she was made the deadly sin of pride. I've actually started to call her Pride sometimes. Or I'll call her Ora since she has an obsession with oranges. Her and her brother are weird. Again, not actually siblings, but mirror images. She's also a little bit of a pervert, but not as much as Len. I think that she's in love with Len. I don't know and I don't care. She also has a more mature version of her appearance. It only gives her a slightly bigger chest and longer hair than her normal appearance. Speaking of that, she's as flat as a board. It's hilarious. She also likes to destroy stuff or she'll set it on fire, but that's mainly Len since he's the pyromaniac. Luna?

Luna: *Singing The Lost One's Weeping*
Hmm? Oh. She's meh. I wouldn't say she's my favorite. I do like her songs though.

Rin: Why thank you!

Luna: Yeah sure whatever.

Rin: Rude.

Luna: Like you're not?

Rin: Ugh whatever.

*Glaring at Rin*
Anyways... That's all. Later!

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