
365 8 896

(OliverandToma )

This bitch. This bitch. Just--
She can't smoke weed for shit. She will never be a Memelord. She sucks ass-- She can barely handle alcohol. She likes Oliver and Una the most probably out of all the Vocaloids. She wants to die all the damn time. I just don't even-- WHERE DO I START WITH HER?!?!?!

Luna: You can start by calming the fuck down--

SHUD FUP!!!! Anyways, she's obsessed with tomatoes for some reason. She eats them raw. And she likes Coke. She's doesn't like to share either... She's so mean!

Luna: Can you stop being a little bitch?


Luna: (¬_¬)

She can't meme. She sucks at memeing. She makes me want to throw her in a fire. Her hairline probably look like a rainbow.

Luna: My God. Leave her alone. Say something nice jeez..

Ugh fine. She is really nice though. She's a good friend and I like her. She says I'm the Memelord, so I like her. She hangs out with Oliver and Una a lot. She's also pretty crazy. She had killed people I think.

Luna: Probably. And she's also not here right now either, so no opinions from her.

That's all I guess. Bye.

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