Kokuban no kono KENJI ga yomemasu ka

268 7 54

(KenjiAndMine )

He's cool! He's a good friend of mine. His girlfriend is Mine. She's always trying to shoot me or kill me. Kenji also tries to do that as well-- I like him though. We like to torture Luna sometimes. It's fun. We get pretty crazy together. He's the oldest out of their group of friends so he's everyone's senpai. Pretty sure Luna loves him.

Luna: STFU NO I DON'T!!!!!! HE IS MY FRIEND!!!!!!

Sure he is~

Luna: (¬_¬)   I'm going to kill you...

Bet. You won't. Kenji is also weird too. He always says that it's awkward and then it gets awkward. It's kinda funny. Let's hear what Luna has to say though~

Luna: *Annoyed noises*
Well, he is my friend and senpai. I like him and he and Mine are pretty cool. They're my friends.

They are kinda cool. They're also pretty normal according to our standards. And we're all pretty weird. Well, that should be all. So... Bye!

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