403 9 70

She's super nice. Her voice is amazing and is one of the most realistic of the Vocaloids. I don't really talk to her that much. Her best friend is Lily. They're always hanging out together. They do duets every now and then. IA is pretty good at making sure she doesn't get mad. She gets annoyed by people, but doesn't ever really get mad. She's usually kinda shy. Her other personality, IA ROCKS, is cool too. She's a bit more outgoing and fun. She's the one who really gets mad. Sometimes, they like to separate from each other and they'll be their own person. It's rare though. Overall, she's a good person. Luna?

Luna: I love her. Her voice is wonderful and her ROCKS voice is so powerful. IA is my second favorite female Vocaloid. Sorry IA, but Lily will always be my favorite.

IA: That's okay! As long as I'm liked, it doesn't matter to me!

Luna: OMG she's so nice. Holy crap.

IA: Ehehehe. Thank you.

IA ROCKS: What about me?

Luna: I love you too ROCKS! You're awesome!


Well, that's all. Bye!

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