Kasane Tetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetotetoteto

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She's the most known of the UTAUloids. So known that most people consider her an actual Vocaloid. I don't know exactly how to feel about that since there's an entire argument about making her an official Vocaloid. I kinda like her how she is, just being who she is. Why should it matter if she's a Vocaloid or an UTAUloid? Anyways, she's pretty... different. She's 30 years old. Like, seriously. She likes to say that she's 15 though, which, to each their own. She's also obsessed with French bread. That's her item. She's also super freaking nice, but she's also super freaking scary. Her voice is unique. It's able to spud different depending on her tuning. I've heard some covers that have her sounding very robotic and others having her sound very powerful. It's really cool. She's also always hanging out with Neru, Haku, Miku, Ruko, and Ritsu. They all influence her greatly, so personality wise, I'd have to say she's a mix of them all. But at the same time, she's also her own person. That's also unique about her. Luna?

Luna: She's amazing! She may not be my favorite UTAUloid, but she was the first one I heard and I love her. I love her song Kasane Territory.

Yeah. Teto isn't here right now, so sorry about that. Well that's all, bye!!!

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