Chi, BuT mOaR lIkE cHeEsE--

224 5 242

(SmolBeanChi )

I-... Nevermind. She's okay. She's obsessed with something called Mystic Messenger. And she loves Len. I mean, LOVES. Like, ew. Who even likes Len? Fuck Len. And she likes 96Neko. I like her too actually, but doesn't everyone? Fuck Len though. He can go die in a hole. She's also Luna's "waifu" or something. So Luna's gay-- HAH!!

Luna: I'm bi, and at least I'm not a 30 year old virgin--

Fuck off I'm not!!!

Luna: Lol whatever you say~

Bitch. Anyways, Chi sucks. I mean, she bullies me. Poor little old me.

Luna: Yeah sure. You better stop talking out your ass.

You can--

*Censored by Lily*

Lily: Can you two NOT fight for once? Do your job Fukase and just give your opinion.

Fine. She's a llama. Opinion over. Bye.

Lily: *Facepalms into oblivion*

Luna: You-- Just--
Whatever... bye bye guys...

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