Utatane (Boku no)Piko

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He's... Um... A shotta. He wears a dress. And high heeled boots. But he's cool. He's a good friend of mine. He has a nice voice, but it sounds a bit feminine. A lot of people confuse him for a girl. He's more shotta than Len. He's really nice and sweet though. Too nice for his own good. It takes a bit to get him mad, but once he is mad... Oh boy. Watch out. He turns into a hurricane of rage. It's kinda scary actually.. Another scary thing is his Manly/Mature voicebank. You wouldn't even know it was him. It's really good though. Unique. Luna?

Luna: I love the shotta. He's adorable and I enjoy his voice.

Piko: Thanks!!

Well, bye!

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