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She's amazing!!! I love her! Her voice is just so awesome. And her appearance is really cool too! She's also mine and ARSloid's older sister. She's the only one I'll say that I'm related to.

Luna: Why are you so mean to ARSloid?

Because he's annoying. Anyways, she's really nice. She's always out trying to help everyone. She's not around that much, but we still get to see her kinda often. That's how busy she keeps herself. She's always putting other before herself and that's really sweet of her, but I wish she'd be around more..

Luna: *Mocking baby voice*
Aww does wittle Fuckass miss his big sistew?

Fuck off. ANYWAYS, she's also the person that you don't want to make mad. She's scarier than ARSloid and I combined. And that's saying something. You DON'T want to get her mad. Trust me, I speak from experience. She's terrifying. That was the ONLY time I made her mad...

Luna: Pfft-

It's not funny shut up!!! Other than that though, she's pretty cool. She's always taking us out to do things when she's around. It's pretty fun. Last time we went to movies with her best friend Ruby then got food. It was a while ago, and we haven't seen her really since. But yeah. That's all.

ARSloid: *Suddenly appears behind Fukase*
I heard you talking about CUL. What's this about that you'll say that you're related to her and not me?

You're pretty annoying.

ARSloid: Okay kettle.


Luna: Be nice. Anyways, CUL is a pretty good Vocaloid. I haven't listened to any of her songs or covers in a while, but I still like her. I really like her cover of Disillusioned.

ARSloid: She does have a great voice, doesn't she?

Luna: I think so!

Unfortunately, she's not here now, but I guess that's okay. That's all for now. Bye!!!

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