Assloid-Er, ARSloid

342 8 297

Ugh. I really didn't want to talk about him, but Luna is making me. First of all, he's my older brother. Yes, I have a brother. Get over it. We only look a little bit similar though. I try not to associate myself with him, but he's always embarrassing me and saying what a great little brother I am. Ugh... It's horrible. That's why I don't even mention that we're related. But... If I have to be honest, he's a good guy. He's really nice and caring. I can honestly depend on him if I need something. He's always there and he stood up for me when I was being bullied. He got me through a lot of emotional times... UGH I SOUND SO SAPPY CAN I STOP?!?!?!

Luna: No.

(¬_¬) You know what? Screw you Luna.

Luna: You wanna go bruh?!?!

Fight me!!!

Luna: Fine! I'll-

ARSloid: *Appears behind them*
Are you two fighting again?

Fuck off!!!

ARSloid: Hey, is that any way to talk to your older brother?

Shut up!!!

Luna: Aw look~ The ass brothers are having a sibling fight~

Fukase and ARSloid: W h a t d i d y o u c a l l u s ?

Luna: Nothing! Nothing at all.
*Cough*Fuckass and Assloid*Cough*

Ugh... Anyways, that's all. Bye...

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