VY2V3 Yuuma or Roro or Whatever You Call Him or Her or IDK

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He's okay. He's the Vocaloid that considers himself the bad boy. He's constantly fighting with Gakupo to see who's more skilled with their swords. His voice is really good. But he scares a lot of people with his falsetto. When he uses it, people question whether he's a guy or girl. It's no wonder they made the VY series genderless. He really loves his sister Mizki, or VY1V4. He's always trying to convince her to use a sword as well. She doesn't though, so he's super overprotective of her. A lot of the Vocaloid girls have a crush on him. Even Luna, and she's not a Vocaloid.

Luna: What! No! I don't like him!


Luna: Bitch.
*Slaps him*


Yuuma: Luna, you like me?

Luna: Who doesn't?!?!

Yuuma: ... You have a point.

Well, that's all. Any words Roro?

Yuuma: Yeah.
*Turns on his falsetto voicebank*
Bye guys!

O.o Bye...

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