You're to cute to be FBI

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Sam and Dean finally reached Van Nuys. They hadn't checked in a motel because they had slept in the car. So they decided to just check out the case.

"Alright, witness number one, over there" Sam says as he points to a lady sitting on a bench. As they start to walk towards her, they see a girl maybe a little younger than Dean also heading in the same direction. The boys stopped, wanting to see what she was going to do. They saw her introducing herself and showing a badge to the lady.

As they saw her doing this, Sam and Dean went to them and Dean said, "Good evening mam, Agent Page and this is my partner agent Plant" pointing to Sam. Sam said "And I think you are done here" to the girl.

"But i was just asking her some questions and i am not done here" She replied and gave them the famous bitchface.

"Yes you are." Dean ordered.

"Whatever. I'll be in touch." She says to the lady and leaves.

Sam and Dean continue to interview her. "I'm Sasha." The lady says and shakes their hands. "We just wanted to ask you a few questions about the office building you used to work in. Is it true that all the people who committed suicide got an email from the head who died six years ago?" Sam asked.

"Its crazy but yeah. I snuck into their email accounts" "okay, Sasha, what exactly did the emails say?" Dean asked. "They said to meet the head in room number 557. The weirder thing is that, that room belonged to the head when he was alive. Now its just a store room" Sasha replied. (a/n: I'm too lazy to write the full conversation so imma just write the info they got from Sasha:) ) The boys then found how the head of the company died, and realised that this wad just a burn-the-remains case. They thanked Sasha and left.

As they were walking to the car, they saw the same girl again. "So, FBI huh? Boy, if I didn't know any better I'd say you're fakes." She said. "And how would you know that?" Dean asked. "Well, number one, I lie professionally. Number two, that's an amazing car for FBI. Number three, you guys are too cute to be FBI" She replied.

Sam and Dean got impressed and Sam said, "Fine, you caught us. So I take it even you're a fake and we're all on the same page here?"

"Yep" Dean and the girl said on the same time and smiled at each other like idiots.

"Anyways, I'm kinda busy and I gotta go, here's my address. Come over for dinner tonight if you're free?" The girl gives them a paper and runs off. Sam and Dean smile at each other and drive off.

They still didn't check in a motel because they spent the rest of the evening in a bar just talking.

That evening when they reached the girl's house, Dean fixed his shirt and Sam fixed his hair a little before knocking. Dean heard a faint 'Seek and Destroy' by Metallica playing from the other side of the door.

"Hey guys!" The mysterious girl excitedly yelled as she opened the door. "Come on in"

"So, we haven't been introduced. I'm Sarah, Sarah Milligan."

"I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean" Sam says, pointing to Dean when he said his name.

"Sam and Dean? As in, Winchester?" Sarah looked at them with wide eyes
and Sam and Dean looked st each other in shock.

"You know us?" Dean asked.

"Um, yeah, my-my dad told me some things about you guys. From your mother dying to you three having an accident."

"So, you're a hunter?" Sam questioned.

Sarah held her hands up "Best one you can find in town"

"Well, not anymore" Dean commented, and Sarah smiled "Sure"

She had made dinner for the three of them and they chatted while eating.

"So who is your dad? Can we meet him?" Sam asked.

Sarah hesitated for a bit but was frank with them "Um, he- he died about nine years ago. Honestly, I don't know how. He said that he was a friend of your dad but never talked about him. One day he just called me to tell that you guys had an accident and he wanted to take care of you. He just disappeared after that and a few days later I found out he was dead"

"Oh, I'm sorry. The food's delicious by the way" Dean said and Sarah smiled widely.


A/N: Thanks for reading!

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