It's funny to say "go to hell" when you're literally standing in hell

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(Last chapter! And almost 900 reads?! THANK YOU SO MUCH PEOPLE!)

I stare at him, not wanting to believe what was happening. I slowly take my hands away from him. I feel Lucifer grab me and throw me across the cage. I didn't fight back. I don't want to fight back.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You humans never really listen, do you?" Lucifer fake groans.

"What did you do to him?" Sam asks and kneels beside me.

"Oh, nothing. I just had one of my minions dress up as someone he loved and apparently, it was her. Boy, was that fun!" He laughs. I don't react. Sam and Dean get mad, though.

Suddenly, a bright white light appears and when it dims, Lucifer is nowhere to be found. I just walk out of the cage, not focusing on anything.

*Dean's POV*

I watch Sarah leave. Sam and  I walk over to Adam, kneel beside him and put an arm on his shoulder. He jumps a little, but then calms down.

"S-Sam? Dean?" He asks.

"Yeah. It's us. Come on, let's go home" I say and we pick him up.

We help each other out and meet Rowena and Crowley outside the cage.

"So where'd you send him?" Dean asks.

"Somewhere far, far away" Rowena answers.

We reach the bunker in a deafening silence and Sarah just stroms to her room.

Sam and I slowly explain everything to Adam and let it set in. After a while, he agrees to see Sarah.

I go to her room and knock on the door. After a couple seconds, I hear a faint 'come in'.

I open the door and find her sitting on her bed, facing the other side.

"Hey. How you doing?" I ask and sit beside her.

"I'm fine" She says, not making eye contact.



"Look at me" She slowly turns to me and quickly turns back.

"Please" She sighs and turns back again, this time staying.

"It's gonna be okay" I try to soothe her.

"No its not" She sniffs.

"It will be. Just give it time" I don't remember being this soft since Sam did those trials.

"I practically raised that kid. You of all people would know what that's like. How would you feel if Sam forgot you? Or worse, he was scared of you?" I nod.

"I couldn't bear it. But Adam hasn't forgotten you. It's not your fault" I say.

"Yeah now he has memories of me torturing him"

"You didn't do anything. He did"

After a couple seconds, Sam enters the room.

"Hey" Sarah sniffs.

"Hi. Adam... he wants to see you.."

"I'm coming"

We go out and see Adam at the table waiting for us.

Sarah hesitantly goes near him and he gets up. They stare at each other for some time.

They walk closer, and closer. Sarah slowly and cautiously puts her hand on Adam's shoulder. He doesn't get as scared as before and they hug.

They continue hugging and then Sam and I join in.

Carry on my wayward son...

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