Sarah Winchester?

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"Kate and John Milligan"

"What?! Sarah, y-you're m-my sister?!" Sam says in surprise.

Sarah jumps up in her bed and says "What the-!! Really?!"

"Well, if you're Adam's sister... and John's your father, then yeah.." Sam gives an expression which is hard to read.

They talk for a while trying to figure everything out.

"You should tell Dean."

"It won't be easy. You tell him" Sam says.

"I- come on! He knows you better!"

Sam calls out for Dean. They hear a big THUMP from Dean's room and hear him say in his sleepy/annoyed voice "What?"

"We need to talk to ya buddy!" Sarah yells and she and Sam laugh.

"Can't it wait?!" Dean yells back.


Dean walks in their room with an expression that reads I was busy you sons of bitches this better be important.

"Dude, how much would it suck for you to work with a sister?" Sarah asks.

"Well, Sam's a bitch, its annoying." Sam is about to say something but Sarah puts her finger on his mouth.

"Shush! Dean, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean a real sister. Who is as good in hunting as you two."

"Meh, I don't know. I mean, we never really had a sister so... why do you ask anyways?" Dean replied.

"Cause I'm your sister, dumbass!"

"What the- Sam you're actually listening to this?"

"Hey Dean you really think I wouldn't ask her stuff? She really is our sister!" Sam exclaimed.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone for a while.. I'll be in the other room" Sarah says and leaves the room.

"She's our sister, Dean! She's Adam's sister, and Kate and Dad's daughter!" Sam yells at Dean.

"Well then why didn't dad ever tell us about her?! Huh?!!"

"Look, Dean, she showed me these papers, and guess what they are! They are the torn pages from dad's journal!" He takes out two papers and gives them to Dean. Dean reads them and looks back at Sam with shock in his eyes.

"Wow. Okay, so she really is our sister. But, how did she get into hunting anyways?" Dean asks. "Good question"

They both go into the room Sarah is in and see her wearing earphones and air drumming. Dean goes and pulls out an earplug from her ear "Hey! Oh, come on! It was my favourite part! Anyways, did you find it convincing enough?" Sarah asks.

"Yeah, actually. Which song were you listening to? It sounded like hard rock" Dean answers.

"It was. Don't Tread On Me by Metallica"

"Nice choice"

Sam clears his throat to prove his presence. "Anyway. The reason we came here is to ask you how you got into hunting"

"Oh, my friend got obsessed with folklore and told me that she met an actual Zanna. Ugh, what was his name? Shelly, shmore, Sully? That's it! Sully! I didn't believe her at first, but then I did a lot of digging and... you can say I also got obsessed with folklore and didn't give up. I found out that monsters were really real so I started hunting them down... I had a lot of time to practice so I became really good at it"

"Wow. Okay. Its getting kinda late so I'm gonna crash... Gnite" Sam says as he gets up and starts leaving

"Wait I'm comin' gnite Deano" Sarah says and they both go to her room.

~The Next Morning~

Sarah wakes up and goes in the kitchen to see the boys having breakfast. "Mornin' *yawns* guys. Ah, food" She goes and grabs some bacon from Sam's plate. "Hey! That's m-" Sam complains but gets interrupted by Sarah "Shut it dollface. Mm this is delicious! Dean, you made this?!" She says with her mouth full. Sam just sighs and Dean laughs "Yeah I did"

"You better be careful hon or I'm gonna keep you here"

"Oh even better, you can move in with us" Dean suggested

"Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea" Sam says and smiles

"Yeah I can do that. I need to pack my stuff and we'll leave after the hunt?"

"Sounds good" Sam and Dean say in sync.

~Magical Rainbow Time Skip To The Hunt~

Sarah's POV

"What are we looking for again?" Dean asks as we enter the building with our salt guns.

"Well, the body was cremated so I guess we're looking for any of the remains" Sam answers.

As we go inside, we go the head's room and look around. I open a drawer and look inside it. Suddenly something grabs my shoulder and turns me around. It was the head. He punches me in the gut and then my jaw and blood starts coming from my mouth. He pins me to a wall by my neck and I struggle to breathe but luckily I am able to call Sam and Dean. Dean hits the ghost with an iron wrench and I fall down. He sits next to me with his hand on my shoulder as I get my breathing back to normal. Till then Sam has found the head's leather gloves and he burns them.

We are now sitting in the impala and I'm in the back seat. Its just 8:30 pm.
"Hey can we make a stop to my place, I just need to grab a few more things" I say.
"A few more things? Dude we have like, two bags full of your stuff" Dean whines
"Just shut your piehole and stop the car" I order him "Whoa okay" He obeys. Sam just sits there smiling like an idiot and I can't help but smile back cause I love that adorable little moose face.
We stop at my gate and I go to get some stuff and say goodbye to my house.

Meanwhile in the impala...

As they see Sarah coming out of the gate with one large bag in her hand. "Damn. I should've known her definition of 'a few things'" Dean says and Sam smiles.
" 'Kay I'm ready guys" She says and sits in.

They arrive to the bunker the next afternoon. Sam and Dean get out but see Sarah sleeping in the backseat.
The boys agree to play rock paper scissors and decide who is going to carry her.
Sam throws scissors and Dean throws paper.
Dean rolls his eyes and opens the door of the backseat. Dean carries Sarah to the guest bedroom and Sam carries her stuff.

Dean puts her on the bed and goes to his room.


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