Wayward Sisters

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*Sarah's POV*

3 weeks had passed. 3 weeks since I told my brothers.

I haven't been sleeping in the past few days because I'm scared of what I may see when I close my eyes. I just laid on my bed, waiting for my brothers to fall asleep. When they did, I would get up and do stuff so that I don't die of boredom.

Knowing Sam and Dean were light sleepers, I kept the work quiet. I would mostly write or read books on Wattpad. I used to watch this show called Absolute Natural, and Wattpad had books on it so why not.

It was a show on two best friends, Jared and Jensen, and how they deal with stuff that happens in their life. They had the perfect apple pie life; good jobs, money, popularity. There was one more character, Misha. He was the oldest of the three, but the most mischievous.

Getting back on this chapter...

It was past midnight and I just lay on my bed in the motel room. I hear someone stir in their bed and I look over to see Dean getting up to put on his jacket. I don't let him see me. Once again, going back to my thoughts, I close my eyes.

Dean is driving the car on a highway, his face serious. Out of nowhere, a bright white light appears in front of him and it honks just before crashing into the impala, flipping it upside down.

I open my eyes to find that I am holding my head, sweating. I make a run for my phone and immediately call Dean.

"Yeah?" Dean asks.

"Hey, where are you?!" I say in a worried tone.

Sam wakes up and walks over to me.

"What happened?" I ignore his question as Dean answers.

"I came for pie" He says

"No! Come back right now!"

"Sarah, what's wrong?" Sam asks again

"Just come back right now! Don't ask questions!"

"Alright, alright! I'm on my way"

I sit on Sam's bed and hold my head. Sam kneels in front of me and holds my shoulders, trying to calm me down.

Dean barges in and I sigh in relief. I quickly go and hug him. He jumps at the sudden action, but hugs back.

"Thank God you're okay" I mumble in his shirt.

"Okay, what happened?" Dean asks as I pull away.

"Nothing, just worried." I lie. Obviously it doesn't work.

"You sounded terrified. Don't say nothing"

"And what's going on with you these past few days?" Sam adds.

"Nothing, okay? I'm fine. Besides, since when did you guys have time to worry about me?" I spat

They look at each other then stare at me blankly.


"Don't, okay! Just... don't" I say as tears form in my eyes.

I stand by a wall and kneel down, bringing my knees to my chest and burying my face in them. Sam and Dean slide down on either side and Sam puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to say that" I say, not making eye contact.

I look up as something strikes me.

"I need to tell you something" I say

"What is it?" Sam asks.

"I've been having these nightmares"

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