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*Sarah's POV*

We were still arguing about me going in the Cage.

"Even if you are going, you are not going alone!" Dean yells.

"How the hell will you come?!" I ask. And Sam mumbles something.

"What?" I ask again.

"Rowena!" He says louder and gets up "She's a witch"

"A witch? How do you know her?" I ask in confusion.

"There's this demon, Crowley. Rowena's her mother" Dean explains.

"Well gee guys, is there anything else I should know about?!" I ask with an angry expression on my face.

"But that doesn't mean she's going!" Dean yells again.

"Come on, Dean! This is the only way and you know it!" I yell back.

"Sam, will you back me up on this?" He asks and looks at Sam, who just looks down.

"Sam?" He asks once again.

"You're not actually considering this, are you?!" Sam continues to look down.

"Unbelievable" Dean mutters, grabs his jacket and leaves.

I sit down next to Sam and put a hand on his shoulder after hearing the door slam shut.

"You should talk to him" I say.

"Why don't you?" He asks.

"He knows you better. Come on, please?" I say with puppy eyes. He gives a tiny smile and agrees.

*Sam's POV*

I leave to find my brother. Since he had taken the car, I had to walk. I found him exactly where I thought he would be; the nearest bar.

I go in and the smell of alcohol immediately hits my nose. Dean was absent mindedly fidgeting with his glass of what I assumed was whiskey.

I sit down next to him and open my mouth to say something, but he cuts me off.

"She's not going in that Cage, Sam." He says, still not looking up.

"Why? You can't lie to me Dean, so tell me the truth" I say.

"I almost lost you the last time this happened. You two, you're all I have. I don't wanna risk that"

"I'm afraid too, Dean. But you have to trust her. She's strong. And if she prepares-"

"Sam, you took on Lucifer. The Darkness is even stronger than him"

"We'll be there for her at all times. This is the only way"

"And what do you think is gonna happen after she's possessed?!"

"We're gonna prepare her. For anything that could happen, she's gonna be prepared." I say in a tough voice.

"As long as we don't let her out of our sight"

"We won't" I assure and we head back to the bunker.


We enter the bunker to find Sarah wearing earphones and air drumming with her eyes closed.

Dean gently shakes her and she removes the earphones as he sits down on her bed. I lean on the doorframe and listen.

"So...?" Sarah starts.

"I'm fine with it as long as we keep an eye on you" Dean explains.

"Okay" She agrees and looks between Dean and I.

"Who wants bread pizza?" She says and gets up.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Bread pizza. It's pizza, but on bread 'cause we don't have any pizza base" Sarah explains.

"Why not just order pizza?" I ask.

"Because I haven't cooked in a long time and I miss it" Dean and I look at her with weird expressions.

"You've never had bread pizza? Oh my God, you guys are missing out!" She jumps and runs off to the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later, we are called out by Sarah. We go out and get lost in that amazing smell of melted cheese that makes your mouth water.

We sit on the table as Sarah keeps a huge plate in front of us, which is covered so that it stays a surprise.

She takes the cover off to reveal lots of bread sized pizzas.

"These smell delicious!" Dean squeals.

"Dig in" Sarah says and we start to eat.

"Oh my God" Dean says with his mouth full "These are perfect"

"I know, right?" Sarah says proudly "Sam? You like 'em?"

"These are amazing. They're literally perfect" I say with my mouth full as well.

After eating, we all go back to researching.

"So how are we gonna contact this Crowley?" Sarah asks.

"We could summon him" I say.

"Hello boys. And girl" Crowley appears suddenly which makes Sarah jump.

"Who are you?!" Sarah asks/yells.

"They call me Crowley" He holds his hand out for Sarah to shake, who is now calmer.

"Sarah. I'm uh, their sister"

"Oh. Well, Moose and Squirrel never mentioned they had a sister" Crowley says.

"That's probably because we met like, five months ago" She chuckles.

"Okay. So, why were you talking about me?"

"We need your help" Dean says.

"Good to know. What can I help you with?"

"I'm taking on the Darkness to save my brother from Lucifer" Sarah explains.

"And for that you need me to get to Lucifer's Cage without letting him out." Crowley assumes.

"Yahtzee" She says.

"But why do you need to take on The Darkness for that?"

"Um.. 'cause we need to go to hell?" She states.

"You do know I'm the King of Hell, right?"

"Apparently, no. I think Moose and Squirrel here forgot to mention that little detail" She gives us a glare.

"No, wait. Why don't you just take us to Hell and we'll get Adam?" Dean asks.

"You make it sound like we're gonna go shopping. This is not easy. My mother will put a warding around Lucifer's Cage but no one knows how strong he is" He says.

"Well then I guess we're gonna have to be prepared for everything" Sarah states.

"To take on The Darkness, you'll need to bleed two demons dry. Then maybe your body will be strong enough"

Sarah looks at us and then back at Crowley.

"If it means saving Adam"


A/N: Short chapter.... sorry? Its in progress... and 350 reads like wtf I love you guys! You're the best!

I'm honestly so proud to be a part of this incredible family <3

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