Heaven's Garden- Pt. 2

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*Sam's POV*

After Brady vanished with Sarah, the guy who was holding her started to beat Dean and I turn by turn. By that time 'mom' was gone. An old man came up from behind, smiling calmly.

"Excuse me" He said

"We're kind of busy" The guy said.

"I know. But I need to speak to those two." The old man said pointing to us. Both guys disappeared and we were zapped to some kind of garden. Wait, heaven's garden! This must be Joshua!

"Joshua?" I ask him.

"Yes. Welcome to Heaven's Garden"

"Um, yeah, okay. Cas said you had a message for our sister." Dean said, getting to the point.

"Yes, where is she?"

"She uh... she was kidnapped" I said

"Oh God-"

"Yeah, speaking of God, we've heard you talk to him?"

"Well, mostly he talks to me. Anyway, you have to save her before its too late"

"Do you know where she is?" I ask with a little hope.

He takes out a piece of paper and hands it to me.

"Damn, its gonna take us two days just to get there!" Dean complains.

"Wait a minuit, is she alive?" I ask

"Yes, now you will be too" He puts two fingers on Dean's forehead then on mine.


*Dean's POV*

I wake up, out of breath and Sammy wakes up a second later. We both still have blood and bullet marks on our chest.

Bandage don't fix bullet holes,
You say sorry just for show
If you live like that,
You live with ghosts

Dean: *looks at the audience* stop singing, author. You sound horrible.

Author: Shut up. Not everyone is as blessed as you.

Dean: How am I blessed?

Author: Have you seen your fucking reflection? You're fucking perfect. I love you and your brother so much that I always fangirl when I see something related to you guys. Okay, enough with the fourth wall.

Dean: What's the fourth wall?

Author: *points to the dust covering her feet*

Anyways, getting back to the story.

We pack everything and leave in the impala.

~Skipity Time Skip To When They Reach The Place~

*Sam's POV*

Neither of us had slept during the whole journey, too busy worrying about Sarah. We had driven turn by turn and stopped for two seconds to pee.

When we reached, we go in, quickly and cautiously looking for our sister.

We hear a scream coming from far away.

Sarah's scream

"Come on!" Dean whisper-yells to me and I nod.

We find the room where the scream came from and it had an iron door and at least five locks.

We pick all of them and go in. I see Sarah tied to a chair with a chain and small cuts and pale skin and blood around her mouth.

She looks at us and turns her head away.

"No. You're not real." She mumbles and Dean shakes her shoulders.

"Here. You feel this? It's us, Sarah."

"It's really you" She says weakly and I continue to untie her.

When she is completely free, I put her hand around my shoulder and Dean leads the way.

While going out, me and Dean are pinned to a wall which causes Sarah to fall.

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah" Brady comes and kicks her in the stomach.

"Leave her alone, you bastard!" I yell at him and he turns to face us.

"You should've known better than that, Sam. See, I learned a few new tricks" He pushes us further in the wall, if that's even possible.

He starts coughing and the demon exists his body, leaving him dead because of which Dean and I fall.

We look around to see a passed out Sarah with blood forming beneath her nose.

~In A Motel~

We've stitched her cuts and cleaned her up and she's still unconscious on the bed. I'm sitting right beside her and Dean is doing some research on the couch.

She starts to talk in her sleep and sounds terrified. Continuously saying "No, please don't" me and Dean get really worried.

Just then she jolts awake, sweating and gasping. Sarah sees me with so much of terror in her eyes and hugs me as tight as she can.

She buries her face in the crook of my neck and starts sobbing. Dean comes and kneels beside us and I rub soothing circles on Sarah's back while saying "Shh, calm down. It's okay, you're okay"

She holds me even tighter and my shirt gets wet with her tears but I don't give a fuck about that. My sister needs me.

She calms down a little bit and lets go of me. Dean brings her a glass of water but she rejects it. Dean and I are holding her hands to comfort her.

"Hey, it's okay. Now tell us what that sonovabitch did to you" Dean says when Sarah finally calms down.

"He-he made me f-feel guilty" She chokes out.

"How did he do that?" I ask.

"He injected me with s-something and made me hallucinate"

"What did you see?"

"Y-you two... dead... b-because of m-me..." Tears form in her eyes as she says this.

"Hey, we're right here. And we're not leaving you, ever." Dean says and we both give a comforting smile.

"Yeah. T-thanks for that" she says and tears form in my eyes as well.

"Anytime. What else happened?"

"He um..."

"Sarah?" Dean and I say in sync.

"He fed me demon blood..."

We sit there in shock staring at Sarah, who refuses to make eye contact.

"How much?" Dean asks holding back his tears.

"Enough to make me one of them"

"You'll never be one of them"


A/N: Hey guys! Hope you are liking this book so far! And please don't kill me.

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