Jump The Shark

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(I just wanted to add that photo cause I ship sabriel and I love it ;))

*Third person POV*

"Jeez Sam, how are you able to do any research with this guy on your ass?" Sarah asks

The three Winchesters are in a random diner and Sam is doing some research. Dean is well... being annoying af.
"Don't ask" Sam answers in annoyance.

*Sarah's POV*

The diner bell rings as the door opens and I look at it to find my best friend from when I used to go to school. She knows what I do, and used to cover for me.
"Ellie?!" I squeal as I get up and wrap my arms around her tightly. She hugs back and squeals my name and we find Sam and Dean staring at us.
"What? We're seeing each other after two months!" I explain- more like- exclaim- and we sit at our table.
"So, how's school and everything?"
"Good, everything's good. A lots changed after you left"
"Really? What happened?"
"Well, first thing you should know, Principal Talbot left and now we have Principal Shurley who's way better. Talbot was a bitch"
"Ha true that"
They continued to talk about stuff  for a long time.

*General POV*

They were sitting in a motel room, chatting.
"I'm gonna go and grab a bite. What do you guys want?" Dean asks grabbing his jacket.
"Hamburger, fries and coke" Sarah says
"Nothin' for me, thanks"
"I'll have one of those salad shake thingies" (you can guess who said this)
Dean and Sarah gave Sam a disgusted look. "Wait I'm coming. I need some fresh air" Sam said
" 'kay, now get me food, peasants!" Sarah said sarcastically
"Yes my lord"

*Sarah's POV*

Once they left, I locked the door and sat on the bed with El. We switched on the tv and started channel surfing until she said something unusual.
"You know, little Ellie here really liked you. Its a pity she won't get to see you anymore" She started pacing the room. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused and slowly went for my salt gun. Immediately as I stood up Ellie knocked me out.

*Dean's POV*

We left the diner after paying and headed towards the car. I called to check on Sarah and Ellie cause we took a lot of time. She didn't pick up so I got a little scared and drove faster. I know she's a really good hunter, but she's also my little sister and I can be a bit overprotective sometimes. "What's up?" Sammy asked. "Just a feeling"

We barged in the motel room and damn, I hate being right. The tv was on, her phone and salt gun were on the floor.
"Dammit!" I yelled angrily and Sam started to search for something.
"Holy shit, where are they?" He had his head in his hand, obviously worried. Suddenly, the phone rang. I picked it up but stayed silent.
"Hey baby," A female voice on the other end said and I recognized it as Ellie's "I have your darling little sister here, come and get her if ya can. Until then I'm gonna have some fun." She said that and hung up. My face turned pale and I zoned out. Sam shook my shoulders and I told him everything and we figured it was a trap.

*Sarah's POV*

I woke up because of excessive pain in my stomach. I was tied to a table but I couldn't see anything cause the only source of light was a lamp above my body. The pain was from Ellie- or who used to be Ellie- stabbing me. I groaned and tried to escape with no success. "So what exactly are you?" I asked it. "Nothing you need to know. Oh, and FYI, your friend is really dead"
Tears filled my eyes but I shook them back cause I had to be strong, at least until my brothers arrived. The pain was severe, but I've had worse before. She stood beside me with a knife in her hand and taunted me. A lot. Then she made a lot of cuts on my arms and my body. My clothes were now very bloody and I did not have the power to try and escape. That's when the tears I held in finally started to come out and I just let them flow. Various thoughts came in my mind

What if Sam and Dean never find me?
What if they're too late?
What if they think I'm not good enough?
What if, what if, what if...

*Dean's POV*

We reached a place that a note said and ran towards the door, armed. Then we killed everything on our way in and luckily they were just some demons. I heard someone scream and recognized them as Sarah. God, I hope we're not too late. We rushed in to see her tied on a table barely conscious.

*Back to Sarah's POV*

I screamed as Ellie burned my foot. "You know, the more you struggle, the faster you're gonna bleed out. So you might as well lie back and relax" And everything started blacking out.

*Sam's POV*

Dean fought with Ellie and I untied Sarah. She was unconscious by now. Poor girl, her face was pale, her clothes soaked in blood. As I was untying her, I saw the thing on top of Dean, beating him up so I grabbed a knife and quickly stabbed it right through its neck. I helped my brother up and we finished untying Sarah.

I held her bridal style and we left the place. We stopped outside the impala and I thought I'll stay with her. "I'll stay in the back with her" I said and Dean nodded, putting the keys in the ignition.

I laid my sister's head on my lap and rubbed soothing circles on her back and held her hand with my free one.

We got back to the motel and I stitched her up. Not good as new, but she'll live.

~Magical rainbow time skip riding on skittles~

4 hours later

I slowly opened my eyes, groaning in pain, to see Sam watching tv. "S-Sam?"
I said and he shot up and sat beside me. "Hey gurl, how you feelin'?" He politely asked.
"Urgh, painful. Where's Dean?"
"He went out to get some food and fresh air. He's really messed up, we both are. He thinks it's his fault" Sam said and looked down.
"That sounds like him. Why does he have to take the blame for everything?" I asked half curious and half sad. "Cause he thinks it's his job to save the world"
"Yeah, well I'm gonna give him the pep talk. Its not his fault, none of it ever was." I said and smiled.

He smiled back and got some painkillers and a glass of water. "Thanks" "No problem" Sam gets up but I stop him "Hey Sammy?" "Yeah?"  I hold my arms open for a hug and he smiles and hugs me tightly.

*General POV*

The author thought that Dean just had to ruin a sweet moment by barging in the room. Sarah and Sam pulled away as Dean placed the bag of food on the table.
"Sarah! You're awake!" He holds Sam's face and pushes him away to give her a hug.
"Dean... cuts..." she says in some pain.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm just so happy to see you" He says and pulls away.
"Ah. What did it do to me?" Sarah asked looking at her bandage covered arms and ankle.
"Well, what do you remember?"
''I remember it burning my foot last "
"Yep, we showed up exactly after that and you were unconscious" Dean explains popping the 'p'.
"You're pretty tough, kiddo" Sam says
"Hey, I'm still older than ya, buddy, don't call me kiddo" Sarah says and he chuckles. "Does that mean I can call you that?" Dean asks excited.
"You call me that and you die" She points to Dean and he hold his hands up. Sam just laughs at all of this.
"Bitch"  "Jerk"  "Jackass" (or Jack-Cass;))

They said goodnight to each other and went to sleep. Well, Sam and Dean went to sleep. Sarah couldn't.


A/N: Its almost 1:00 am here so sorry for any typos and Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

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