Prank Wars

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It was a bright new day, no one being awake but Sarah. She thought she'd let them sleep because they were up late last night talking about how their lives had changed. After all, Sarah deserved to know.

The hands of the clock moved to nine o' clock and she decided it was time to wake them up.

But her brain said something else....

Maybe you should prank them

Yeah but our prank wars go to far

You're no fun

Is there gonna be a single conversation between us in this book where you won't say that?

Probably not

"Sarah?" Dean asks rubbing his eyes  walking in the room and snapping Sarah back into reality.

"I wasn't having a conversation with my brain! I mean, what?" She quickly answers.

"Whatever, wanna get breakfast?"

Sarah's POV

"Yeah, I'm gonna wake sleeping beauty and get dressed" I said and left the room.

You've got a great opportunity there

Shut up I have great plans and I don't need your help

But I'm the one who does the thinking

Not this time

You're no fun

I reached Sam's room and saw him sleeping on his back with a shirt and sweatpants on. Hmmm, yep! Got it!

I quickly raced downstairs and back up with a tray full of ice.

(Haha y'know what's next)

I pulled the waistband a little and slowly put some ice in and then quickly before he woke I emptied the tray in his shirt.

He woke up with a loud squeal and I couldn't stop laughing. Dean rushed in and saw me laughing at Sam who was now jumping on the bed to get all the ice cubes out. Dean started laughing with me when he saw the ice cubes falling from the bottom of the pants.

Sam frowned, got up, sat on my stomach, and pinned me to the floor and I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. "We. Are not. Kids. Anymore. This prank stuff is stupid, and it always escalates!"

He said to me, got up, offered me a hand and I accepted.

"Just remember you started it" Dean said pointing to me while smiling brightly and I nodded.

"No teams?"

"No teams."


We spent the next two hours eating and looking for a case. Well, at least me and Dean were eating.

When Dean looked around for a waitress, I saw Sam take his beer and put super (natural) glue all over it.

"So Sasquatch, found a case?" I asked and he quickly put the bottle back while nodding.

"Yeah actually. Get this, three people have died in the same house. Legend says there was once a man living there and he committed suicide. He was cremated. Same time all the vics have died. He pushed an empty syringe in his vein."

"Well, sounds like a ghost. We'll leave after lunch as FBI" I held my beer and Sam and Dean clinked.Sam and I watched Dean drink and laughed at his reaction. He said to Sam "You didn't"

I laughed while Sam showed him the tube of glue "Oh, I did"

Sam continued to laugh. "You're gonna pay for this. Wait and see" 
"Bring it on, blondie"

As we were reached to the impala, Sam didn't get in after Dean and I. He looked through the window smiling sheepishly as Dean turned the key to the ignition. Hard rock music in full volume started playing and Dean and I shouted "Whoa!" Sam laughed and got in.
"That's all you got? It's weak" I said to him.

As I looked through my bag for my fake FBI badge, I noticed something smelled awfully bad. I went through my bag once again and found a dead fish.

"Who did this?!" I yelled as I covered my nose and mouth. I saw Dean laughing. Oh he's gonna suffer. I wrapped the fish in a newspaper and threw it in a dustbin. I sprayed my perfume until the smell was gone.

We got to the motel and Dean went to change his clothes first. I winked at Sam and he got the message. I put some itching powder in Dean's underwear. Sam giggled and Dean came out with only a towel around his waist.

Sam just smiled and went to the bathroom.

*Dean's POV*

I grabbed my clothes and went to the other room to put them on.

We left to interview the witnesses and I let Sam drive because I think our soap gave me herpes. I didn't tell them tho. I don't want the author to make my brother and sister tease me. I'm the fun one! Anyways, I didn't realise when I fell asleep. I woke up because Fire Of Unknown Origin by Blue Oyster Cult was blasting through the station and I had a plastic spoon in my mouth.

"It was him! But the music was my idea" Sarah exclaimed while laughing.  I gave them the bitchface and itched my underwear. Damn, it was so annoying.

Sam sand Sarah tried to keep it in but burst out laughing. "You did this?" I asked looking between them. Sam pointed to Sarah and she almost chocked on her tears of laughter.

We reached our destination and I tried to control my itchiness. We interviewed the witnesses and found that the guy who committed suicide, Clay Walter, his ghost apparently, tied the vics to a hospital bed and pushed an empty syringe in their veins. Same way he died.

*Sam's POV*

We reached the motel to do some research and I decided I wanted to take a shower because I haven't washed my hair in three friggin' days.

I came out of the bathroom and was trying to dry my hair with a towel. I placed the towel on a chair to dry and saw Sarah and Dean looking at me trying to hold something in. "What?" I asked looking between them. They just started laughing. I looked in the mirror and found out why they were laughing. Ugh. I'm gonna kill them.
I barged in the room they were in and slammed the door. "WHO DID THIS?!"  I yelled. Sarah lifted her hand because she was currently unable to speak.

Of course. Now, I have dark red hair. Because Sarah put hair dye in my shampoo. "Please tell me its temporary" I asked with some hope.

"If that makes you feel better" She replied and I panicked even more. I went to check the bottle and it said 'Blood Red hair colour
Makes hair softer and more shiny
Free with women's perfume
Not to be sold loose'

I was so happy to find out she was lying.

~Magical Time skip to after the hunt~

*Sarah s POV*

We ran into those douchebags while hunting and they almost got us killed. The Ghostfacers. They told us that they got a call from a very famous producer because he wanted them to star in his next movie. Gosh.

We were walking towards the impala and stopped at the door. "I have a confession to make" Sam said "What's that" I asked curiously. "I uh, I was the one who called them and told them I was a producer" we all started laughing. "Well, I'm the one who put the dead fish in their backseat" Dean admitted. "I'm the one who filled their dashboard with spiders" I also admitted. We laughed "Truce?" Sam asks "Yeah truce" I reply. "At least for the next hundred miles" Dean said and we got in and drove off.


A/N: Thanks for reading! *gives y'all chupa chups* (if u don't know what they are, jared's eating them in the picture on the first page. Idk what u guys call them but they are called chupa chups here and they're delicious)

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