Pumpkin Head Sam

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*General POV*

The three Winchesters had just got back from a hunt, each of them very tired. Dean dropped Sam and Sarah off cause he needed pie.
"Alright, imma crash now so see ya after some time!" Sarah says as they enter the bunker and she sets her duffel down. "At least take a shower, you got blood all over your clothes- no don't sit there!" Sam said and she ignored him and sat on the chair and took her boots off. "Y'know I'm not gonna listen, Samantha. Why even try?" She states as a matter-of-factly. "Call me that one more time and I'll tell Dean you were the one to finish the pie and not the demon. I can't believe he fell for that" Sam says pointing to Sarah. "Sammy it is" She fakes a smile. "Oh hey, Dean" Sam greets Dean as he enters with two plastic bags. All three of them go to their own rooms to get changed and stuff.

Sarah closes her closet and finds a woman, whom she recognizes as Nora, looking at her. "Nora?! It's- but- how are you alive?" She asks her, shocked because she had killed her months ago! "None of your business" Nora answers, annoyed. She gets up and makes her way towards Sarah, showing her, her black eyes. "You killed Savannah" Sarah stutters, giving Nora a death glare as she remembers her friend's death. "Savannah, Amanda, Renee, etc etc"  She says and starts pacing the room as Sarah reaches for her gun from her waistband. "Don't even dare" Nora says, with a cocked gun in her hand, pointing to Sarah. She removes her hand and raises it to show that it was empty. "Eh" Nora says and shoots her.

Sam and Dean come rushing to the room, only to find Sarah's pistol and some blood on the floor.
"Shit!!" Dean swears as him and Sam look around for any leads.

We track Sarah's phone and dammit she was moving really far. She was already fifteen minutes away.

It took us an hour and a half to get there. We went in only to find Sarah tied to a chair, unconscious and blood dripping from her mouth. Sam untied her and I carried her bridal style back to the car. I let my brother drive and stayed with my little sister. Something seems off about Sam. If I didn't know any better, he's not acting like himself.

*Sarah's POV*

I woke up with a jolt. To my surprise, I was in my bedroom. Last thing I remember, Nora punched me with brass knuckles which caused me to fall unconscious. I went out of my room to find Sam in the kitchen. "Hey" I greet him and he smiles back. "Hey!" "Watchya doin? And what happened?" I asked pacing the room. "You were kidnapped"
"Um yeah, I noticed, thanks. How'd you find me?" "We tracked your phone. Do you know who kidnapped you?" He asks and we sit on the table.  "Yeah, actually. Nora. She's a demon but I don't know how she's alive. I killed her. Did you see her anywhere?" "Uh, no. We went in and got you. That's it."
Something seemed off about him. He stands up and turns to face me and I stand up too. "By the way, you really are a tough girl. Let's see if you're strong enough to face this" "What are you talking about?"  I ask tilting my head in confusion. Then, he punches me in the jaw which causes me to fall. I look at him. I look at him "S-Sam what?"  "Get up" he orders and I just continue to look at him. "I said get up!" He yells and I obey blindly.

Two guys appear and grab my arms. Then, Sam punches me in my gut and bend down in pain. I hear the bunker door shut and I shout "Dean!!" And Sam gives me another punch. Dean rushes in and he is immediately pinned to the wall. "No!" I yell at him.

The two guys handcuff me and leave my arms, causing me to fall. Then Sam does something and I start to cough blood. He holds my face, exposing more of my neck and injects me with something dark and red.

After a few seconds, I start to black out. I hear yelling and the last thing I see is Dean kneeling in front of me.

*Dean's POV*

As Sam injected Sarah with something, a guy in a trenchcoat appeared out of nowhere and held Sam's forehead which caused black demon smoke to exit him. I fell down and glanced at the guy.

Then I remembered Sarah and kneeled in front of her. She was unconscious by now. Sam woke up and we both stared at the guy. He had the bluest of the blue eyes. So beautiful. Wait, what? Shut up, brain. I'm straight.

"What are you?" I asked him.
"I am Castiel. I'm an angel of the lord."  He- Castiel- said. His voice was deep and sounded amazing. Shut up already.

~Magical time skip riding on a unicorn~

Sarah woke up not long after. Me, Sam and Cas were with her in the bedroom and Cas was explaining some things about himself.

"Sarah, hey" Sam says.

"Are you okay? How're you feeling?" Dean asks.

"I-I'm dizzy..."

"You will be. You were injected with demon blood" Another random- kind of cute- guy says.


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