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[Clarification: Virgil is a sophomore, Logan, Patton, and Roman are all in their Senior year of High School. They are all physical, individual people who are in no way related, looking similar to each other rather than identical, wether different in hair length, eye color, etc. Such as Virgil having longer bangs and each different eye colors]

Virgil found himself dragging his feet as he walked to school. He didn't particularly want to go to School. He didn't understand the students who actually wanted to get back to school on the first day. He had hardly thought that summer was long enough, and now the inevitable school year had come about once again. And here he was, entering the side route of the school to enter his first class, one of his electives actually, and one that he particularly wasn't fond of.

Stage Arts.

It wasn't that he had chosen this elective, well, not purposefully. It had been his third choice in all honestly but it had either been that or another language, and he was already on his third year of language so he didn't need another, so why bother?

He'd had selected Wood-Shop first and Ceramics second, however, he hadn't realized that in classes where you actually get to take a physical object home, it was pretty popular. That hadn't been his reasoning for the classes though, they had seemed like simple, passing classes that he could easily take while staying under the radar. However, since those hadn't worked out, he was now on his way to the school's Theatre.

It wasn't that Stage Arts was hard or anything, not for Virgil at least, Virgil absolutely loved to draw, paint, be artistic in general, his paint splattered walls would tell you. No, that wasn't the problem. The problem was the beliefs behind stage-Arts, but not just Stage-Arts, the entire Drama department. If you were female, sure, join the drama department and nobody will notice. If you were a guy...Everything about it screamed gay. And Virgil would be fine with this, if he wasn't closeted.

He hated any remark at all that went against the LBGTQ+ community and he knew now that he'd be receiving double of that.

Nonetheless, he had arrived. The doors that would lead him into spiraling doom, what horrors would await him on the other end of this door?


Roman was fiddling with the hem of his white dress-shirt excitedly as the theatre buzzed with excitement. All the student-directors and staff-directors were sitting on the edge of the stage, patiently waiting for the bell ring, while a sea of bouncing students were running about the floor of the theatre, too excited to stay in their own skin. He personally wanted to simply leap up and sing, and just might have, if he hadn't caught the eye of a shadowy figure from the corner of the room. He noticed the creature slithering to the back of the theatre with a slouch, his eyes fixed towards the ground. Roman could tell the boy was feeling absolute dread for the class and instantly felt his brow crease.

Why'd you take the class then, emo emu? Roman thought to himself, but scoffed aloud. He already didn't like the hunched over student, not taking to the drain of enthusiasm and good-vibes coming from him.

Roman's thoughts were cut short when the loud, shrill chime of the bell came overhead. He immediately sat down in one of the cushioned, floor-seats that was beneath him, beaming at the group of directors who were now sitting up.


Virgil begrudgingly looked up when he heard a voice call for attention.

"Settle down, Settle down." The voice cleared their throat, "My name is Mrs.Ramirez, I'm your Head-Director here. Now, you all may be wondering why you have such a big class, huh?"

Her question gave the opportunity for whispers to erupt before naturally calming down only a few moments later.

"Well, we have the whole drama department here today! Why? Well, we personally would like all of you to get to know as many of each other as possible!" Mrs. Ramirez grinned, "We have here our Company, the elective in charge of filling roles for our after school plays as well as finding students outside of class to perform along side with them," There was a brief pause for an applaud from Company, "Next we have our Stage Arts! They'll be in charge of putting together this year's props, as well as costume attire and backgrounds!"

Virgil gave an unamused grunt as the rest of his class cheered.

"And finally, we have our Stage Crew, who will be in charge of technical duties such as lighting, mics, and sound!" More claps and cheers, "Now, before I release you all to associate with your fellow students, we all highly encourage you to get to know each and every one of our student and staff directors, tomorrow you'll be put into your separate groups depending on what exact elective you landed!" Mrs.Ramirez was quiet for a second as the crowd murmured an agreement or a disagreement, "Alright! Now go!"

And with that, kids went flying from their seats and back to jumping the isles and pantsing.

Virgil simply shrugged and bent over to where his backpack lay slumped against his legs. He dug around in it for a few moments before feeling the wire of his earbuds and tugging up gently to withdraw the delicate life-savers. He then leaned back after zipping his backpack back up and pulled out his phone, admiring the purple-plaid phone-case that matched the patches sweatshirt he currently wore, and he would wear for as long as he could, before plugging the ear-buds into the headphone jack. Virgil was just beginning to untangle each split wire of the ear-buds when he was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. He paused his actions and turned his head to see an enthusiastic boy waving excitedly at him. Virgil blinked before responding with a small, shy wave.

"Heya, pal!"

"Hi..." Virgil mumbled, fiddling with his earbuds now and further tangling them.


"...I guess..."

"Me too!"

Virgil nodded awkwardly with a half-smile, wanting nothing more than to get out of this conversation.

"My name's Patton, what's yours?" Patton held out his hand in a friendly manor.

Virgil was hesitant, but finally shook Patton's hand quickly before shoving both his hands into the pockets of his jacket, "Uh, Virgil, Virge for short...I mean...you don't have to call me that- it's just-"

"Alright Virge, it's nice to meet you!"

"...You too." Virgil shrugged, though he hoped he sounded sincere.

Patton went on, asking about Virgil's specific elective.

"No way! You're in Stage-Arts too!?" Patton squealed excitedly.

This year couldn't be too bad...right?

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