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[Christmas Special: Part 2]

Virgil picked nervously at the sides of his fingernails to the point of his index finger slightly bleeding. He hissed in a little bit of pain before sticking his finger in his mouth to stop the bleeding.

"Sucking your thumb should be habit you get out of earlier."

Virgil looked up to see Tom and slowly withdrew his finger with a roll of his eyes, "It's bleeding, I'm sure you'd do the same, Tom."

Tom shrugged, about to say something before Roman approached, "Uh- Yeah, probably true."

"Do you need another bandage?" Roman frowned, about to grab Virgil's hand.

Virgil quickly drew his hand away and folded his arms over his shoulders, "I'm  fine." He sighed dryly.

Roman frowned for a moment before nodding, "Yeah, ...Okay." He nodded.

It had been twenty-minutes and Patton wasn't back yet, Virgil was pretty sure he had bailed, in fact, he was entirely sure.

"Are we done here then? Can we go home?" Virgil began to get up.

"Yeah, sure." Roman nodded.

"Alright." Virgil started walking towards the door ahead of Roman and Tom.

"He's in a mood." Tom murmured to Roman.

"...Maybe something's wrong." Roman shrugged.

"Ah he's always this way..." Tom said simply.

Virgil was about to tell the two of them he had ears.

"That's not true." Roman mumbled.

Virgil kept quiet.

"...When have you seen him happy?" Tom asked.

Roman simply shrugged, "I...don't know- I just...have..."

"You two hang out outside of Drama?" Tom asked with a hint of suspicion.

"Uh...not really...just...I just drive him home usually..." Roman shrugged again, his shoulders getting tired from doing so.

"Well, it happens once in a blue moon then!" Tom joked.

Roman gave a small laugh.

Virgil flinched before sighing as he made his way to the parking lot and froze, "Um...Roman..."

Roman jogged up to Virgil side, almost slipping on the icy sidewalk as he emerged from the hallway of the school, his jaw dropped at what he saw.

Tom caught up and blinked, standing between Virgil and Roman, "What? What are we looking a-"

"MY CAR!!" Roman shrieked as he ran towards his vehicle. It was covered in snow, some on the inside from a door being opened.

Virgil's eyes widened as he slowly approached it.

Roman looked absolutely broken as he rounded it, trying to shove the ice off, but it being fresh it only stuck to his hands and provided a great deal of pain. Roman frowned and groaned as he held his hands to his head.

"Wow..." Tom walked up on the other side of Roman, looking up, "There's no trees or anything..." He held his hand out, "It's only been slightly snowing..." He looked around, "Every other car is fine..." Tom put his hand on Roman's shoulder, "I think you got punked, Ro."

Virgil tensed up at both the physical contact and the nickname and he felt his teeth slowly chatter with along with the cold.

"My car..." This is all Roman managed to whimper out.

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