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[Rather than the, in my opinion, boring cliche of reading about Roman pacing for hours in the waiting room and then flipping his shit at a doctor, because we all know that happened, I give you some logicality]

Patton awkwardly sat in his room, staring at the boy across from him with wide eyes. Patton was currently sitting at the head of his bed while Logan sat at the end, Patton sitting criss-cross-applesauce while Logan sat with his legs hung over the side of the bed, pushing his glasses back onto his nose every few seconds.

Logan felt awkward, more awkward than usual, he wasn't quite sure why, he had been coming over to Patton's house after rehearsal for awhile now, but they had talked about everything classmates usually talk about...and, it wasn't like they were friends or anything, right? Logan was just here because he had to work on recording the lighting in written form with Patton, but they were doing it in increments and they had done all they needed to for today, however, Logan's house was across town, it was dark, and it was New Year's Eve, which Logan didn't usually celebrate, but Patton insisted on him staying...they weren't really doing anything though...Logan was simply admiring Patton's room, it had baby-blue wall paint, a desk in the left corner, teddy-bears set up here and there, and just a child-like aesthetic to it, and every time Logan would look over to Patton, the other boy would simply just smile and wave at him...it just made Logan feel even more uncomfortable as every time Patton smiled at him he felt his own hands shake and his face grow hot. What the hell was this?

Patton himself was starting to feel awkward but wasn't getting tired of picking out Logan's features, this boy had a fair build and- well, a mighty fine ass- for the nerd exterior he put on.

A few moments passed before Patton let out a scream and Logan began to move in alarm before Patton yelled, "LOGAN DON'T MOVE!" His voice was shrill.


"THERE'S- A SPIDER- ON- YOUR SIDE-!" Patton screamed as Logan's hands went flying up so he wouldn't disturb the spider.

Patton looked around quickly as Logan began to hyperventilate.

"Patton. I'm allergic. To Spiders." Logan hissed out.

"THAT'S A THING!?" Patton screamed louder.

"DO SOMETHING." Logan demanded.

"OK-aY." Patton looked to his bedside table and spotted something, wincing as he realized what it was before picking up the crumbled up piece of paper and diving forward, pressing his hand down hard on Logan's side where the spider was.

Logan let out a shriek.

"DIE YOU CREEPY, CRAWLY, DEATH DEALER!" Patton began to twist his hand with the paper against Logan's side.

In a matter of seconds, Logan's shrieks turned to stifled laughter and then little giggles, causing Patton to stop and withdraw the paper with the spider guts on it, being chucked across the room.

Patton quick poked around at Logan's side to make sure there were no more spider remains, causing the other to let out a quick, hardy laugh, making Patton look up at him with a small smile, "Awww, Logan, you're ticklish!"

Logan's face dropped to a look of horror, "No, I am not ticklish- a mammal's natural reaction is to shrink back when touched in a particular place that an enemy could do harm."

"Like this?" Patton ran his fingers over Logan's side.

Logan squeaked and wriggled away, "Yes!"

"Awww cutie!" Patton giggled.

This made Logan's face heat up quickly and he looked away from Patton for an instant.

Patton realized what he had said himself and leaned back, just then taking in the fact that he and Logan were practically laying next to each other, with the exception of Patton being propped up on his arm, though he quickly flopped down his arm so both he and Logan were now laying side by side, staring up at the ceiling where glow-in-the-dark stars were stuck.

Silence filled the room and Logan moved his hands to his stomach to rest there awkwardly.

Patton rolled onto his side a moment later, "Logan, what's your favorite color?"

Logan blinked a few times before rolling onto his own side to look at Patton, "...Blue- light blue."

Patton smiled quickly, "I like dark blue."

"Really?" Logan furrowed his brow, "But all you wear is light blue."

"I'm glad you noticed that," Patton remarked shyly, "It was, but then someone brought a new light to the color of dark blue," Patton put an emphasis on the dark by tugging at Logan's dark-blue dress-shirt.

Again Logan felt his face grow hot and this time he decided to take action, letting out a sigh, "Patton, I have never really...considered or understood the aspects of love or... any of that for the matter..."

Patton's eyes grew wide.

"But I've done my research and I believe that...well, every time I see you, my body shows signs of...attraction towards you, I have never considered liking males but...Patton, I believe I'm attracted to you."

Patton's eyes were as wide as his smile now before he let out a small squeal.

"Oh- oh dear, are you okay?" Logan frowned nervously.

"Logan, I like you too." Patton laughed out happily.

"Oh- oh I-"

"Midnight can come early." Patton grabbed Logan's face and kissed him gently on the lips.

Logan stiffened before relaxing and awkwardly kissing back.

Patton was about to say something more when he felt a buzz in his back pocket and he sighed, "Hold on..."

"Y-Yeah." Logan stuttered.

Patton grabbed his phone and looked at it before shooting upright and letting out a horrified gasp.

Alarmed, Logan sat up as well, "Whats the problem?"

"Roman says Virgil broke his leg and got hospitalized." Patton's voice cracked with sorrow.

Logan swung his legs over the side of the bed, "Let's go then."

"I-I don't have a car- my mommy- my mom...is out with it right now..." Patton blushed slightly.

"I've got one, that's how I got here, remember?" Logan nodded before hesitantly holding out his hand, "Ready?"

Patton looked down at the hand before grabbing it and nodding, "Ready."

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