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[Short chapter]

"Duh." Virgil scoffed, against his better judgement.

Roman slid into the driver's seat and turned on the ignition, excitement bubbling in him as he got to show off his car, "Alright, let's pretend speed limits don't exist for just a minute." Roman began to drive out of the school parking lot.

Virgil knew this would be a bad idea the moment they left the parking lot and Roman went full speed down the hill. He instantly clung to his seat as he felt his heart-rate rise and his stomach twisted.

Perhaps...this wasn't a good idea after a panic attack...? Who would've thought?

"I️- Ro- I️ think- man- Roman- we need to- slow down-" Virgil managed to get out through gritted teeth.

"Stop signs only apply to pedestrians!"

"That- is in- no way- true- at all, and- I'm gonna' be sick-" Virgil groaned.

With that, Roman slammed on the breaks, though considering the car's speed, it only slowly them down a bit.

"No, no, no, no vomit in the car please." Roman sighed as he slowed down, feeling guilt prick at his heart.

"Thanks." Virgil sighed dryly.

"This way, correct?" Roman glances at Virgil.

Virgil groaned at the growing pain in his stomach and chest, "Yeah,"

Roman thought for a moment before rolling Virgil's window down for him.

"Wow, Thanks." Virgil huffed sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm very protective of my car." Roman defended.

"That figures." Virgil rested his elbow out the window.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing but you seem like a perfectionist." Virgil smirked.

"Perfect yes- perfectionist however-"

"And am elitist so it seems!" Virgil snickered.

"I️ don't have to give you a ride, you realize?" Roman began to slow the car down.

"Sorry, sorry." Virgil chuckled.

"So he can laugh!" Roman gasped.

"Shut up, prince." Virgil rolled his eyes, a habit he had gotten into.

"Prince?" Roman glances towards Virgil.

"I️ mean, you act like it." Virgil pressed his chin to his arm.

"I️ do not!"

"Ya' do too, princey."

"Somebody seems to be growing comfortable; and here I️ thought you were simply the shy, introvert." Roman inquired.

"Seems you were wrong."

"It seems I️ wa-"

"Princey's admitting he wro-?"

"Look wE'rE hErE." Roman slammed on the breaks, emitting a loud yelp from Virgil.

"Rude!" Virgil squeaked as he clung to his seat, "This isn't even my house!"

Roman sighed, "I'm not your boyfriend, I️ don't pull you all the way up to your house."

"But decent friends do." Virgil began rolling up his window.

Roman blinked a few times, "You see me as a...friend?"

Virgil turned his head to Roman, "I️ mean...you did drive me home and holdMyHand and shit, right? I️'m not too great with people but I️ can tell when something is bit more than strangers."

Roman found himself smiling, "Alrigjt then...friendo."

"Never call me that again or I️ take back you being my friend." Virgil began opening his car door but let out a small scream as Roman stepped on the gas, causing the door to slam shut. He turned a glare to him and found a smug faced Roman. If he wanted to he could lash out at him and call him a variety of names, but instead it was simply, "Bye, Princey." He opened his door and got out, shuttling it closed behind him with a peace sign, leaving a flustered looking Roman behind him.

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