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Virgil wasn't wrong about this year being not too bad, but he wasn't right either.

The first few months of school had gone pretty average, he wouldn't allow himself to say good. He and Patton had become pretty good friends, they hung out during morning-break and lunch. Neither of them were the best at making friends. Patton was too excited for most people, and Virgil was too unexcited for most people. However, they seemed to balance each other out, so it worked for them. However, Patton soon got busy co-running the school's GSA group once clubs had begun running again, so Virgil had gotten used to eating alone again. He didn't really mind though, it was kind of nice, no interruptions, no constant questions, though he didn't seem to really mind them most of them time, just quiet.

Quiet never lasted long though, not in high school.

Virgil soon found his usual hang-out bench to be taken over by a group of freshman. He was a bit annoyed, but not at the fact that he had lost his spot, but at the fact that he lost his spot to freshman.

He wasn't going to stand up to him though. There were around five of them, and one of him. Not to mention it wouldn't be worth it, if he won, great, a Junior just kicked out a bunch of small, helpless freshman who are probably off right now complaining to their senior friends about it. If he did nothing, well, just that, nothing. Nothing would happen, other than Virgil would move. And that was fine, it was just a bench.


Roman found himself with problems of his own. Specifically, casting calls.

Every year, the school held one, big show that performed once a night for five days out of one week, in a row. It was usually a well known play, and this year, the school was putting on a performance of the iconic Phantom of the Opera! And Roman just knew that he had to be a part of it. For years he had watched countless other student-actors get up on stage and perform their parts, stunning parts. Roman had longed to play those parts. Not just any parts though, the lead roles. The hardest roles to get.

There were multiple reasons as to why it was so hard to be selected as a main-role. For one, half the theatre department was auditioning for those roles, and for two, there was an age limit.

If you wanted to land a lead-role, you had to be a Junior or a Senior, no exceptions. And this year, finally, finally Roman was a junior, and so, he promised himself, that this year he would land a lead-role...he had to.


Virgil found himself snickering at the enthusiasm of all the Theatre geeks as they paraded onto stage. There were open-auditions today for the lead-roles of Chris, Raoul and The Phantom today.

Virgil was able to see each and every one of them walk up onto stage from his post as Curtain-Boy, opening and closing the curtain for every individual act. It wasn't hard but it was annoying. There were so many and just when he thought the line of auditions was getting shorter, more would arrive. And truthfully, half of them weren't that good. Though Virgil wasn't planning on saying this out loud.

Finally, one of the judge-directors called a cut for all the auditions and waiting for results auditions to take a break.

Virgil turned to go get a drink of water when he felt someone grasp his shoulder. A second later he was being spun around and someone was taping something to his forehead. It took a Virgil a moment to react before he cleared his throat, "Excuse me?"

"What?" The boy placing the item on his forehead furrowed his brow.

"Who are you and...what are you doing?"

"Logan...? And what do you mean?"

"Why are you- what's on my forehead?" Virgil frowned.

"Your mic, of course." Logan rolled his eyes, stepping back once he was done setting up the tiny, skin-colored device.

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