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Roman found himself driving around town rather than going back to rehearsal, or home at that. There was a sort of confusion that was clouding his mind and he couldn't really put his finger on to why. On any other day, play rehearsal was it. Play rehearsal was the only important thing and if that wasn't important, then nothing was. At all. Ever.

However, it surprised Roman that somehow this stubborn kid had...somehow made his way up on top of play rehearsal for some unknown, uncalled for, reason. Roman had to admit that he was almost impressed. This didn't clear his confusion though. He knew what he was thinking, what he was feeling.

He just didn't want to admit it.


Virgil had lied about how close his house had been to where Roman dropped him off. It was a few blocks down the street, actually. He just hadn't wanted to...burden, him anymore than he felt that he already had. Not to mention, Virgil was almost certainly sure that Roman disliked him, that he was simply putting up with him, and that he himself felt the same way; but, this didn't explain why he was staring down at his hand, his pinky-finger specifically, with such...awe, with such...flustered emotions.

"I'm not going into another attack," Virgil chuckled to himself as he felt his heart-rate pick up and continue to, "...Am I?"

No, this doesn't...feel like one- what the hell is- hell-

Even Virgil's thoughts couldn't reason his emotions.

I suppose I've always heard of awkward teen phases, but...That's me everyday, isn't it?

Virgil frowned as he made it to his house, ignorant to the fact that Roman was feeling the exact same way.


There was really no interest in the next school day for both the boys. For Virgil, it all seemed to be one blurred sort of hell; and for Roman, it was simply an obstacle between he and Vir- Play Rehearsal.

So, of course, when Play Rehearsal came around, there was no stalling.

Whatever kind of rush that play rehearsal gave to its casts, it was multiplied when Roman and Virgil looked at each other. The moment they were called to practice they were already heading over to each other.

Roman found it funny, how much he had despised Virgil not even a few days before this moment, and now, in this very moment, he was tripping over his own feet to get to him. He knew why, he knew very well, but knowing wasn't the same as realizing. He was so caught up in the daze of everything he hardly noticed he had bumped into someone.

Roman shook his head and looked at who he had bumped into, "My apologizes, I didn't see where I was going."

"It's cool, it's cool." The boy that Roman had bumped into was Tom, a slim boy with short-blonde hair and a simple T-shirt and cargo pants on, and the boy who was playing Rauol, Chris'...pursuer, "Sorry..."

Roman shook his head, "Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who bumped into you." Roman gave an awkward chuckle.

"You just gave a look that could kill!" Tom joked with a laugh.

You don't know the half of it. Roman thought while holding his smile. He then noticed a hunched over figure behind Tom, recognizing the form of Virgil, his forced smiling softening into a genuine one now.

"Should we...get to work then?" Tom cleared his throat.

"Work?" Roman turned his attention away from Virgil who had thankfully not caught his eye.

"Yes...we're working as a trio today?" Tom cocked his head.

This caught both Virgil and Roman's attention.

"Oh- yes! Naturally- seine as how we're...the leads and all..." Roman nodded slowly, "What...scene, exactly?"

"I was personally hoping we could try the end scene and-"

"No." Virgil answered before Roman could.

"Oh...alright..." Tom nodded before turning to Virgil, "Any suggestions?" He smiled.

It was hard to see the expression of the two, seeing as how the three of them were standing in a slim isle of chairs in a theatre, but Roman's imagination was enough to get the best of him, he hardly found it right for them to be talking without him, that was it, was it not?

"I have a suggestion," Roman put in.

"Oh?" Tom turned around.

Now all eyes were on Roman, and he had nothing to say.

Roman tried to come up with things on the top of his head, "Oh, uh- well, how about...when...Chris and...Rauol and...the Phantom are..."

"Ah! When they sing their love song, right?" Tom finished for Roman.

Roman thought he caught a flinch from Virgil and started to feel a sort of satisfaction, as if he controlled something, "Why, Yes, that scene."

"Where should we rehearse then?" Tom asked.

"Come hither," Roman beckoned the two, "We'll go back down to hell, that seems to be the best place to rehearse...-"

"Seeing as how it's desolate?" Tom put in as they exited the theater.

"Precisely," Roman nodded. He hadn't known why he had felt some sort of jealousy earlier, there was a love scene between his character and Tom's, not Virgil's and Tom's- and that wouldn't matter anyway, it wasn't as if he liked him or anything.


Virgil wasn't sure if he had ever felt greater pain in his life at this moment as Tom seemed so infatuated with all of Roman's ideas. That's what was happening, right? It wasn't all in his head?

No, no.

Of course not.


Virgil found himself lagging behind the two as they went on about Play Rehearsal and Theatre Superstitions. He also found himself mocking Tom every now and then and how gay he sounded and- oh shit.

The thought of Tom being gay wasn't unsettling, what was unsettling was that Tom, perhaps, could become gay for Roman.

Thus Knowledge turned to quick realization.

Virgil liked Roman,
And he hadn't a clue as to what to do about it.

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