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[Just for your information: None of this book has ever been planned, I simply came up with an idea of an AU and wrote as I went along, so right now as I write this I have no idea how this chapter will go...but I'm hella excited from the ideas that you guys gave me and we're going out with a bang.]

TW: Abuse/Harm

Virgil sat in his hospital bed, where else would he be? Where else could he be? He was under the age of eighteen...he couldn't be dismissed from the hospital until a legal parental unit showed up and, well, that wasn't happening anytime soon. Virgil was fairly sure he was going to rot and die in this hospital room, what would be the point of his father showing up? He was probably passed out on the couch somewhere.

Virgil let out an audible groan, "Life sucks." He muttered. All he really wanted right now was to be beside Roman, not that he'd ever admit this, but despite that, nothing was changing.

It was 6:03 AM on a Friday night...Friday night- oh no.

The Musical was premiering tonight.

Virgil felt his heart-rate pick up, how did he not think of this anytime sooner? It hadn't been an issue before, he had memorized his lines, he had everything prepared, and then Tom...fucking Tom.

Virgil's breath began to pick up and his heart-rate monitor began to beep at every moment his heart-rate spiked, which was becoming more and more frequent. He tried to think of what would happen...

His understudy would go on...and-

Oh no.

Oh no.

Virgil's understudy was going to kiss Roman.

This made Virgil shutter, Joan was his understudy and- Joan was lovely, but...they hadn't practiced the kiss at all and- Virgil and Roman hadn't practiced the kiss either, grant it, but at least they had kissed before off stage.

Virgil himself had hardly been able to practice in a group and-

Virgil woke up with a gasp, his palms were clammy and there was a doctor beside him with her fingers to his wrist before she looked to Virgil.

"Your heart-monitor was giving us a scare there! Your heart-rate was going through the roof! You alright there?" The nurse looked to Virgil.

"Wh-what day is it?" Virgil looked at the nurse helplessly.

"January first." The nurse nodded.

Virgil immediately relaxed, the show didn't premiere until next Friday.

"Nightmare?" The nurse asked, though they didn't seem very interested seeing as how they were heading for the entrance of the door.

"Yeah..." Virgil sighed out as he dragged the starchy hospital blanket up to his face, it was rough and scratchy, but provided minimal comfort, and that was better than anything at the moment.

Virgil thought about his brief dream...it had been all of his worries bottled up into one sequence, and they were all true. Virgil still needed parental approval to leave the hospital, and his dad had to physically show up for that, which hadn't happened, and the show, while it didn't show tonight, was coming up fast in a week, and he wouldn't be allowed to perform with a broken leg, and sadly, Joan was not his understudy, there were no understudies, as the performance process went, Virgil, Tom, and Roman had been working in a group together and just within the past month before break had they started to come together for group blocking, and while the show did seem ready to go, there was still the fact that Virgil's leg was broken, and with only Tom and Roman knowing his blocking and lines, they were essentially fucked.

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