Advance Notice (2/2)

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[Tokyo Street]

"I see the old man is in it again," noted Ai, making slightly sarcastic smile. Conan's face clearly shown what will come next as the black limousine stopped next to them shortly after that.

"Mister Suzuki is awaiting you," said a man in the black.

"Can't help it, right?" Conan shrug and with Ai they got in the car.

[Babylonian Skyscraper 150th floor – Sky Museum]

"Ah, there you are, my Kid-killer," Jirokichi welcomed Conan by his strange, but an accurate nickname. Conan made a slightly sour face.

"Nice to see you too, old man."

Suzuki greeted Ai as well. "So what do you say?" he asked them and looked at the big cut diamond inside of a glass case on the pedestal.

"It's beautiful," said Ai. She came closer inspecting the visible butterfly made inside of it. "But where is the heart?"

"Just watch." Suzuki took small remote control from his gray-blue jacket and pressed the button. The light installed in the pedestal illuminated the gem. The refraction inside of the diamond created the colorful shape of the heart.

"It's amazing!" gasped in amazement Ai and even Conan was impressed.

"No wonder Kid is after it," he agreed once Suzuki switched the light off.

"Ah, it's a masterpiece done by modern technology inside of millions of years old treasure."

The young secretary came closer to Suzuki. "Sir, I'm still worried about the second card."

"Fool, that was just a joke!" Senior adviser shouted.

"Second card?" That perked Conan's interest. "Did you get a second card from Kid?"

"Nah, it must be just some prank. Some so-called Kaitou... What did he call himself...? Prankster... Rascal... Porker..." Conan looked awkward. "Whatever that second card doesn't matter." He excused himself and left to prepare for tomorrow's night.

"Mister, can you show me the second card?" Conan asked the nervous secretary. It was a man in his thirteens with short brown hair, and no significant mark, that would differ him from the men in the hall.

"Well, you are Kid-killer so it may be useful to you. You can have it." He gave him the card, and Conan read the context. The man left to do his job.

"So, what do you think? Is it a fake?"

"I don't know, I never heard about any Kaitou Joker before. Well, if it's a prank or real thing we will see tomorrow."

They heard Suzuki's loud voice as he was ordering workers what to do. Kid was in disguise among workers.

'That old man is energetic as ever,' he smiled in his worker costume. Whenever there is his heist, there will be enough people for him to use as a disguise or enter their group. He put the box he was holding on the ground pretending he is unpacking it. He carefully examined his surroundings.

'But another note arrived, huh? Joker? I never heard of him. I wonder if it's a joke or...'

"Hey, you, help me here!" called him another man.

"Coming!" he called back. 'Well, real or not, I won't let him have it.'

"Uh, sorry," apologized short worker he bumped into.

"No worries," answered Kid back, and as he was walking away he had this strange feeling from the small guy.

The second worked walked outside the room, and the only thing that set him apart from the others was his silver hair. He headed to the restroom where he closed himself in the cabin.

"Just wait, you old geezer!" he shouted angrily. "Ignoring my Advance Notice!"

"Mr. Joker, please calm down," insisted Hachi from the ventilation above the cabin he used to infiltrate the building. "Let's focus on our job."

"You are right. I'll show him a miracle, he won't forget, for the rest of his life!"

Hachi slightly smiled as he saw Joker's angry face. "But who is this Kaitou Kid he has spoken about?"

"Don't know. Don't care," Joker leaned back.

"Mr. Joker, don't underestimate your opponent. That phantom thief may be a shady character!" Hachi raised his voice.

"'Kay, I get it, but man, this Suzuki is worst than Kaneari. This skyscraper is packed with treasures from the basement to top. Yosh, let's get back to work." He headed out while Hachi turned in the ventilation to move to point "X" where he had quicker access to other parts of the floor.

'But...' Joker started to think, 'something is strange here.' He looked at two small children that were now talking with the Suzuki. 'Why they are here?'

"Hey, pipsqueak, came here!" called Joker older man. Phantom thief in disguise mumbled something and walked toward him. At the same time, Conan looked back at him.

"Seeing someone suspicious?" asked him Ai.

"Must have been my imagination," he shook his head. "By the way, old man Jirokichi, do you have some traps here?"

"Of course! But let's disguise it somewhere else," he looked around. He was sure Kid is already here, so he took Conan and Ai to his office.

"Hachi, follow them," Joker whispered to his communicator.

"Hai, su," answered Hachi and looked at his map Joker made. It has shown all the rooms on the top floor. "Let's hurry, su." He crawled thru narrowly space toward the office.


The big showdown is starting :-D Hope you enjoyed it :-)

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