It's a showtime (1/2)

562 32 35

The midnight.

The bell, from the faraway tower, rang and the floor was engulfed in darkness.

"It's alright!" shouted Jirokichi. "The backup system will be ON in ten seconds. Weight system has its own energy source!"

Nobody noticed the certain small boy was gone, but before he could run out, the white-dressed phantom thief ran from the man section to the doors on the side wall and entered the room. He picked a small device, he got from Jii and opened the case with it. He reached his hand, grabbing the object, but at the same time, he noticed it drastically changed the shape.

He made shriek and pulled hard, dragging something big along it... that was screaming as well. The lights were restored. A person was standing on the pedestal. It was no one else than Joker himself. Both phantom thieves were dumbfounded as this exceeded their wildest imagination.

'Oh, crap!' thought Kid as he finally woke up from the shock. He quickly checked his watch and saw he wasted the time limit. Originally, he planned to get the diamond, set here a rubber dummy, return to the toilets, and mix in the group of security guards that will without a doubt show in front of the door. But now the plan was shattered, and his figure was seen at the monitors and the weight system started to work.

"What?!" shouted Jirokichi.

All the exits closed.

"What? What?" Joker was frenetic looking around, and Kid had totally not amused expression.

"What are you doing?" his question was ignored.

"I finally got you, Kid!" shouted Jirokichi to the microphone. "You can't escape now!" Kid only knitted his eyebrows. "Finally, I can end my biography with your capture."

"Don't print your book before you finish writing," taunted him Kid with a light smile.

"What you are saying? There is no escape from there!"

"Um," Joker got their attention a bit, "aren't you forgetting someone?" He made big innocent smile and pointed at himself and then at the diamond.

"Ah, you must be that second thief. Such a brat, your parents should put more time in your upbringing," snorted Jirokichi making Joker crack a cold smile and few veins popped next to his eyes. "Well, I guess I can spend one sentence about you in the epilog," Jirokichi laughed.

"Damn you, old geezer! I'll show you! I'll get out of this room, and there is nothing you can do about it!" His posture shown great confidence.

"There is nothing YOU can do," Jirokichi lifted his finger, ready to press some button.

"I can! And I will! I'm Kaitou Joker, and phantom thieves create miracles! They are miracle makers!"

This speech caused Kid to make a smile and he would probably say something if a sudden burst of white smoke didn't engulf them.

"Take this!" laughed Jirokichi. "My secret anti-Kid matter! This sleeping gas will knock you out for eight hours. I specially created it for you Kid." He looked at the monitor with great joy. "For all these years you were a great opponent, but all has to end." He looked at the man next to him and gave him an order. "Send for the group K1 and K2."

"Yes, sir!"

In next seconds the white smoke dissipated and uncovered two figures. One had white clothes and cloak, while the other wore a bright red, tailored suit, purple-white cloak and blue, tall hat with chess pattern. Both were lying face down. Only the front door slowly opened and two groups of men in suits wearing sunglasses entered.

One man headed to Joker, lifting him up. "It's just a doll!" he shouted seeing the head with a big "Idiot" instead of a face. When the rest of the group looked at him, a new wave of white smoke covered the room. Once it was gone and most men stopped coughing, they realized Kid's body was swapped with a doll too.

"You, morons, you let him escape!" Jirokichi still didn't care about Joker, putting only Kid in his eyes.

"He is on the 144th floor in the small hall!" shouted a guard next to the old man.

"How's that possible?!" Jirokichi couldn't wait, he ordered the group K1 and K2 to follow him down.

Just a two secs after the guards left following the old man a silent voice could be heard:

"Everything is clear, young master."

The white figure stood up, revealing it was Kaitou Kid all the time with a simple mask.

"This was so close, that old man!" Kid released a bit of his frustration. If it wasn't for his reflexes, he would be snoring like a bear.

"I asked you to be careful!"

"I know, I know." He looked up at the open ventilation. 'So he ran off this way, huh?' His sixth sense tingled as his rival jumped on his feet. Joker used the same trick as Kid. They looked at each other.

"Young master, hurry," whispered old man in the communicator.

"I know Jii."

They were looking at each other in complete silence until Joker did akanbe, he pulled his lower lid down while sticking his tongue out."I got the treasure, Kaitou Brat!"

"It's Kaitou Kid, Porker," replied Kid in an annoyed manner.

Joker jumped up and ran off the room.

"I won't let you!" Kid ran after him, following him downstairs.

Once they left, from the ladies restroom emerged Ai. She sighed. She knew Kid won't be caught easily, but who would think Joker is this good. She returned to the security room, where men were quickly checking different cameras in hope to find Kid. She looked bored. She had no intention of pursuing them. She will watch the situation from here, and if anything happens, she will inform Edogawa. 'I wonder where he went to.'


AMV By: Raifuujin13

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