Welcome to the show (1/2)

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[Later that evening]

"Tomorrow morning we will finish the preparations for the midnight," announced Jirokichi, when he was getting into his car, taking Ai and Conan home.

His car was watched by a young man slightly, smiling under his cap. It was none other than Kid, or more precisely Kaito Kuroba a high-schooler and genius magician. The small car stopped next to him. Its driver was old but healthy looking man.

"How it went, young master?"

"No problem, Jii." Kaito leaned back in the seat. "This night I'll finish the final preparations. Did you get it?"

"Of course," the old man smiled and passed to him a small box containing three electronic circuits glued to foils. "Put them on the three touch-buttons near the doors, and the weight system will be disabled at 00:00 for thirty seconds. I have made sure to hack the weight sensors from signaling it to the control room."

"As expected from you, Jii." Kaito made small grin.

"You flatter me," he stopped at red light. "I have also gained access to the camera system. It wasn't easy but during the booting sequence, I can let them play fake image loop for 30 seconds"

"That's all the time I need."

They continued as they got a green light.

"I was able to replicate the device for opening the case."

Kaito picked the small device and put it in his pocket, then he switched on a small notebook and started to type.

"Did I miss anything, young master?" Jii looked worried.

"No, it's just there is some Kaitou Joker after the Butterfly's Heart too. I want to get some information about him."

"Kaitou Joker?" Jii was thinking. "I think, I heard about that one."

"Really? You heard about him?"

"Apparently he is a genius able to create miracles to aid him in his heists."

"Oh, sounds interesting." Kaito smiled as he finally found few images of his rival. They were mostly blurry, but he could tell he is wearing tailored bright red suit, with a purple cape and same colored tall hat.

"Please be careful, your father..."

"I know, I know, always keep your poker face." How could he forget the life lesson of his late father, who used to be previous Kaitou Kid? Kaito took his secret identity to reveal the suspect behind his death during the magic show.

[Sky Joker]

"Mr. Joker, were you able to do all the preparation?" asked him Hachi over a curry.

"No sweat, it was easy, I almost fell asleep." He took a bite. "Just during the night, I'll add the last detail."

"Please, don't say that. There are many uncertain things about this, like the other phantom thief."

"And that's why being a phantom thief is so much fun. The thrill of getting out a pinch and obtaining the treasure after hard work."

"But what will you do with the secret trap?" As was Hachi still an apprentice he was worried about many things.

"You are persistent," Joker looked at his notebook he had next to him and typed something while eating. "If there is no information, it's pointless to worry. I'll figure out something."

[Babylonian Skyscraper – night]

Kid disguised as a guard entered the building and successfully got to the top. While pretending he is patrolling and checking on the other guards he slipped the electrical circuits on the touch-screen buttons next to the doors. No one naturally had seen him.

There was also a figure moving on the rooftop. "Yosh, it's ready." It was Joker with a big grin.


The big night is just behind the corner :-D

AMV by: Ebachan (me ;-))

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