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Jack's POV (oooo new POV?!)

After I told everyone what happened they all tried to comfort me. But in all honesty, I was glad Signe was gone. I didn't have the heart to tell her about MY secret crush. Im actually planning on telling everyone tonight.


"Guys, you don't have to comfort me. I'm actually glad she broke up with me" Jack suddenly seemed more energetic

"Are you sure? We can do anything to help." Mark says.

"Yea anything. I can leave and buy ice cream for all of us to eat while binge watching Harry Potter" Ethan says.

"Guys" He laughs "I'm fine, seriously" He laughs even more. He continues to laugh until he is rolling on the floor.

We a just give him a confused look. When he finally settles down he looks at us.

"Why we're you laughing"

"It's a surprise. I'll tell you guys later" I laugh at him.

"So, can we eat ice cream and watch Harry Potter now?" Ethan asks

"Sure why not" I say shrugging my shoulders.

We set up the movie and get settled. Tyler sat on one end of the big couch, Katherine next to him,  Amy next to Katherine, Mark next to Amy. Ethan, Jack and I sat on the floor in front because there was no more room on the couch.

(Time skip brought to you by Mark's white van)

In the middle of our Harry Potter marathon I felt my eyes get heavy. I tried my best to stay awake but I couldn't. I fell asleep on what seems to be Ethan's shoulder.

Ethan's POV

In the middle of our marathon I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked over to see a sleeping Y/n. I feel my face get hot and I look back at the screen. Apparently Mark noticed Y/n sleeping on my shoulder and my blushed face

"Aww, Ethan is blushing because his crush fell asleep on him" Mark whispered.

"Shut up Mark" He laughs

"I don't understand why you haven't asked her out yet. I mean you've had a crush on her ever since Amy brought her up" Jack whispers

To be honest, I was wondering the same thing.

"I don't know, I just haven't found the right time yet" I whisper.

They shake their heads and laugh at my awkwardness. I looked back down at Y/n and smile. Ask her out. Thats all you have to do I thought to myself

(Skip of time brought to you by pumpkins)

After we finished all the movies, Y/n was still asleep. I looked at the time and it was about 7:30pm so we decided to wake her up

I shook her slightly but I didn't work. I shook her a little harder and she still didn't wake up.

"Wait, I got this" Amy said. She then got off the couch and went into the kitchen. She came back out with two pans

"Amy I don't think that is a go-" Katherine started. But Amy cut her off by slamming the two pans together.

We all covered our ears and Y/n sprang up.

"WHAT THE FUCK" She screamed. We all laughed.

"Welp, that's one way to do it" I said.

Y/n flipped us off and stood up. "Well, now that my heart has officially left my body, what do we do now?"

Amy then smirks.

"This is my favorite part. We are now going to eat pizza and play Truth or Dare"


(A/n:  that's chapter 6. Sorry if these are super sucky. I suck at this. And I'm awkward. I'mma go now. Bye)

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