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Ethan's POV

We drove to Mark and Amy's house. As usual, we jammed out in the car on out way here. We got to their house and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, it opened up with a happy looking Amy.

"Oh, hey guys. Waddya doing here." She asked, confused

"We need to talk, about the wedding"

She nods and let's us inside. We sit on the couch, where Mark is playing with Chica

"So, we are trying to figure out a date for the wedding. We want to have it after Jack and Felix's wedding, but before you have your baby. We need to know your due date." Y/n says, getting her note pad out. Sometimes she can be so ocd, and I loved it

"Well, my due date is June 27th"

"Okay, so we should have our wedding in March?" She looks at me

"Sounds good to me." Then I remember something

"Mark, will you be my best man?" He seems taken aback by this, but then gets excited.

"OF COURSE. WHY WOULDN'T I? " He gets up to hug me. I laugh and hug him back

"And Amy, will you be my maid of honor" Y/n asks

Amy freaks out just like Mark did. We all continue to talk until Amy gets an idea

"Wait, Chica can carry the flowers. She can be the flower girl!!"

Y/n smiles "Best. Idea. Ever. "

*Timey skippy*

We went home and plopped on the couch.

"Y/n? Can we cudlee??????" I ask like a child

She laughs "Yes we can. Lemme go change into more comfortable clothes first"

"I'll do the same" We head upstairs

I change into some grey sweatpants with no shirt because its late and I don't sleep with a shirt anyways.

Y/n changed into some black and white joggers with one of my hoodies. She didn't wear a shirt under because she said 'it was too uncomfortable' or something.

We head back downstairs and sat on the couch. Y/n curled up next to me and I pulled her close. I put a blanket over us and we turned on a movie.

As we were watching, I could feel Y/n grab my hand under the blanket. I smile and massage her hand with my thumb.

I love this woman, and I will never stop.
Ok, so i know I haven't updated in a while, but look, I updated! Sorry it's so short (and is udder crap) but I've been busy lately.

Also, just a heads up, next chapter will be time skipped to the wedding. I know I said that I would write a lot more chapters but I'm getting kind of bored with this book

I'm gonna go his, bye 👋

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