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A/n: Ok, so I'm gonna time skip this to like 5 years later. I know, huge time skip, but it's for the sake of the story.
Ethan's POV

Y/n and I have been together for almost 5 years now. After high school we decided not to go to college. Y/n actually started her own YouTube channel and mine was still going strong. We decided to stay in LA and buy a house together.

Today was my 21st birthday and we had a whole day planned. First, Y/n and I were going to have breakfast with Mark, Amy, Katherine, and Tyler.

Jack and Felix decided to move to the UK, and Signe..... I don't really know what happened to her.

Anyways, after that we were gonna film a bunch if videos for our channels, then later tonight we were gonna go out drinking because I can legally drink now. Sadly, Y/n can't, she is only 20. But her birthday is exactly 2 months after mine, December 24th (A/n: sorry if that's not your birthday, but it's mine. Just go with it for the story) so that means, Y/n is our designated driver for tonight.

It was around 9:00 am and we needed to meet up with the others at 9:30. I was almost done getting ready when Y/n walked into the bathroom, where I was.

"How do I look?" She asks

I didn't have words. She was beautiful. She was wearing a pastel pink long sleeve crop top, a pastel blue skirt, she had on lighter pastel blue shoes, a pastel pink choker that said "flawless", a brown leather purse, and a pastel pink flower crown.

I was at a loss for words. All I could do was stare at her.

" I look like trash don't I"she laughs

"No. You look amazing. Im speechless" I say hugging her. I pull away and smile. I give her a kiss then go back to getting ready.

Smol time skip brought to you by Ethan's orgasm face~

We were sitting at a table, waiting for the waitress to come take our order. We were talking while we waited. We talked about random crap like our old high school days and drama that happened. Now that I think about it, it was kind of funny.

When the waitress came to take our order, I was completely shocked. Our waitress, was Signe. I gave a concerned look to Y/n and she gave me one back.

"Hello, I'll be your waitress this morning. What would you like-" She paused "oh, uh, hey guys. Long time no see" She rubs the back of her neck. I notice something odd though. She seems to be giving Y/n dirty looks.


I was surprised. Signe was our waitress?! I'm guessing college didn't work out for her. Always, she chatted to us for a bit. We talked about what we were going to be doing today, because it was Ethan's birthday. When we told her we were going out tonight, she got a slight smirk on her face. I was a but concerned but brushed it off. I wanted to have a good day today. I wanted to make Ethan's birthday the best day he could ever have.

Again, time skip, coz I'm lazy

After breakfast we went to Mark and Amy's place to film. After we finished filming, Ethan and I went home. We had about and hour or two before we actually had to go out so we just sat and cuddled all day. But then I remembered that I had a present for Ethan. I jumped up the the couch me and Ethan were on and went into our bedroom. I grabbed the box from under out bed and went back into the living room.

"That was sudden. What is that?" Ethan asks, pointing to the box.

"It's your present, now open it" I say. I sit next to him on the couch and hand him the present.

He starts to rip off the wrapping paper.

"A box! Thanks Y/n, I love it" He says jokingly.

"Look inside the box ya doof" I laugh

He laughs and opens the box. Inside there are multiple things I got him. He first pulled out a blue ukulele that I painted little gizmos on with silver paint. Next, he pulled out a new headset. He had his eyes on them for a while so I thought I'd get them for him. And lastly, he pulled out a small box. He looked at the box confused then back at me. I nodded my head towards the box, telling him to open it. He slowly takes off the top oft he box revealing a charm bracelet. It had a half of a heart charm on it, and a gizmo charm. Ethan smiled at it, and took it out of the box. I helped him put it on. He looked at me and smiled

"Where's the other half?" He asked

I smile. I pull down my sleeve to show him my bracelet. Mine also had a heart, and a Y/YT/L (your YouTube logo) charm. The hearts had magnets in them so they stuck together whenever they were close to each other. He smiled at me and hugged me tightly

"I love you Y/n L/n, with all my heart, and no one can change that" He says, while nuzzled into the crook of my neck

"I love you too Ethan Nestor" I say back.
(Damn, long chapter. The clubbing part will be in the next chapter. Anyways, I don't have anything else to say so, bye👋)

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