Chapter 5-Creepy Girl

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"Friendships will grow and hearts will meet."
"Crap! She's still following us!" Whispered Kirsten. "Yah! She's creepy!" Whispered Dara. "Hey you!"
The mysterious girl shouted. "What do you want from us?" Gia shouted back. The girl cried
and ran away from them. "I guess that girl is very shy." Whispered Darrell. "Okay this is our plan,
we have to find her and keep her safe. Got it?" Whispered Royce.

They all split up to find that mysterious girl. While Philip, Royce, and Nika were
looking for the girl, they heard a girl crying. "AAAh! Help me, I'm dying!" Shouted by
a mysterious girl. "Does that sound like Feivel?" Asked Kirsten as she approaches them.
"How did you hear that?" Asked Nika. "I have ears and that sound was very loud." Answered Kirsten.

They followed the girl's voice and it lead them near the garbage. "Ugh! It's so
smelly!" Whispered Gia while covering her nose. "Stop whining, Gia." Whispered Royce.
They all continued to follow the voice, and it became louder. "Hurry up!" Shouted Dara.
they eventually got there but it was already too late.

"We were about to save her, but it was too late." Whispered Dara. "Wait! That's not
the girl! She looks more different than that!" Shouted Julius. They thinked that the girl
got scared so she stopped crying, so it got harder for them to find her. They eventually
found the girl crying silently in the corner.

"M-Mom..." Whispered the girl to herself. "Are you okay?" Asked Royce. "I-I am fine, thank you." Answered the girl.
"What's your name?" Asked Athena. "My name is Keisha." Answered the girl. Keisha was blushing.
Suddenly, they saw zombies that are about to attck them. Keisha was grabbed by a zombie. "Help me!" Shouted Keisha.
Royce killed the zombie and pulled Keisha. Keisha accidentally tripped over a rock.

Royce offered his hand, and Keisha held it as they run away from the zombies. "Stop!" Shouted Royce.
Royce pushed Keisha away from him 'cause he felt awkward. Again, Keisha ran away and hid somewhere
"Hey!" Whispered SkeleNaj. "AAAHHH!" Shouted Keisha. The birds flew away because of the loud noise.
"Don't freak out! I'm just gonna ask you a question!  Do you like Royce?" Whispered SkeleNaj.

"R-Royce? No way! Eww!" Answered Keisha. While walking, they saw a park with a sign that
says, "Shortcut To Vanessa City". "Guys, follow us!" Shouted SkeleNaj. They all followed
SkeleNaj and went into the park. "This park seems to be abandoned." Whispered Rhea. "Yeah
it is. We used to play here but it suddenly closed." Whispered Philip.

"Why did it close anyway?" Asked Keisha. "Well, someone told me that there's
a weird guy stalking people and killing their animals here." Answered Gia. Suddenly,
they saw people walking in the woods. "HEY! WANNA COME WITH US?!" Shouted SkeleNaj.
Luckily, the park was free from zombies. They walked towards a hut with a sign saying, "ARKI'S HUT".

"Hi... Please come in." A voice answered. "Ermm, you sound like an old woman." Gia whined.
An old woman showed up. "I may be old, but you can't kill me." Whispered the old woman. They
all went inside the hut and saw plenty of potions and brewing stuffs. "Are all of these yours?"
Asked Kirsten. The woman nodded her head as a sign saying yes.

"I'm Arki, and I'm uh, a good witch." The woman introduced herself. "Do you know
Dr. Jamie?" Asked Kirsten. "Jamie?! She's my sister!" Answered Arki. "Well, she's planning
to turn all of us into zombies and kill us." Said Dara. "I can't believe it! She's killing people!
And I need to stop her!" Said Arki.

"Umm... Royce, can you go out for a while? And also you, Keisha." Whispered Kirsten.
Royce and Keisha went out. "Arki, I need to ask you something." Whispered Kirsten. "What is
it miss?" Asked Arki. "Royce was acting weird a while ago. Could you help us?" Asked Kirsten.
"Oh, that would be easy to solve. What was his eye color?" Asked Arki.

"It's dark brown." Whispered Philip. "No! It's black!" Dara and Philip argued. Arki gave
Kirsten a potion called "Anti-Love Potion". "Make him drink that." Whispered Arki. Kirsten nodded her
head and called the both of them (Keisha and Royce). "Let"s hunt for food! I'm so hungry!" Darrell whined.
Suddenly, they saw the people that they saw before. The people walked towards them.

"F-Feivel?" Said SkeleNaj. "Are you SkeleNaj?" Asked the girl. He nodded his head. They both hugged
each other. "Who are you both?" Asked Feivel to Dara and Kirsten. "Ouch..." Whispered Kirsten. "But we thought
you were dead." Said Dara. "Someone saved my life, her name was Jamie." Answered Feivel. "Well, why
don't you come with us?" Asked Royce. "Sure! Why not?" Answered Feivel.

They all went deeper into the woods to hunt for food. "Woah! Thats a camp! We should go there!" Said Darrell.
They all went inside the tent and saw plenty of food inside. Later that night, they were sleeping in the tents. But
little did they know, Dr. Jamie was sneaking behind them. She kidnapped the group except for Royce and Philip.
That morning, Royce woke up and saw no one but Philip!

"Ughh... Where are we?" Asked Dara. "My head is killing me..." Kirsten complained. They were all locked in
one big of a cage. So Kirsten and Dara woke everyone up. "What do we do?! What do we do?!" Shouted Philip.
"Don't freak out! It's not a big deal! You can always survive the apocalypse by yourself!" Said Royce. "I can sense
that Dr. Jamie took our friends away." Whispered Royce to himself.

"Hmmm... If I were a mad scientist, where would I lock them up?" Asked Royce. "In a lab! Dummie!" Answered Philip.
Both of them found the way to Dr. Jamie's lab to save their friends.back in the lab, a mysterious woman in black came out of
nowhere and helped them. "Order up please!" Said the woman. "Valerie?" Asked SkeleNaj. The woman took off her mask.
Suddenly, Dr. Jamie came in with syringe in her hand. Unfortunately, Valerie got killed ny Dr. Jamie.

Then, the two came to save the day. "We're just in time to kill you!" Shouted Royce. "No! I won't die again! Suckers!"
Dr. Jamie shouted back. Philip took out his rifle while Royce took out his samurai sword. "Don't look at Keisha, okay?"
Asked Philip. "HELP US!" Shouted Dara. "I hate you Jamie!" Shouted SkeleNaj. "Oh you won't hate me now, I can control you!"
Said Jamie with an evil voice. And then, SkeleNaj ran fast as he could and smashed the controller!

"No! My plans are ruined!" Shouted Dr. Jamie. SkeleNaj saw a pistol and kicked it in the cage. And Kirsten also got
a pistol. Kirsten tried to shoot Dr. Jamie but she missed. Unfortunately, Dr. Jamie escaped and ran away from them.
But she dropped her keys, so Royce freed the others. They all got out of the lab. Later on, they got supplies from
an old supermarket, but they suddenly fell into a hole, which lead them to a tunnel full of supplies.

"We're so lucky!" Whispered Darrell. "We might be lucky, but how are we gonne get outta here?" Asked Royce.
While looking around, they saw stairs going up. "Let's go!" Said Keisha. They all walked on the stairs up to the
last floor, but something happened. The zombies got into the old supermarket. "Wait, they're not normal zombies!
They're smart zombies!" Said Royce. They all ran while SkeleNaj distracts the zombies.

"Ummm.... Let's dance" shouted SkeleNaj. He turned on the radio and the zombies started dancing...
To be continued.......

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