Chapter 13-Someone new

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They wen inside the temple and the gates automatically closed with a big bang.
Dara furiously screamed. "Shhhh!" Keisha whispered. "I've seen this place in movies."
Whispered Angelo. "Welcome..." A voice was heard while they scream in silence. Then, a mysterious old man appeared.
(Translation: Good morning to you all, my name is Takeshi. Now, may I ask something? Why have
you come here?)

Takeshi just stared at the group. He was waiting for an answer. While the group thought
of a way on how to explain their reason for coming, Takeshi took the time to observe their
clothing. He soon noticed that they weren't Kapanese. Their clothes are obviously different
when closely inspected.

"How old are you, sir?" They asked him politely. "Well, that's a secret." He chuckled.
"Are you ready to go up to the high, smokey, and cold mountains and get your change as
the great katana of Kapan?" He added. They all smiled as they follow Takeshi to a small,
wooden house. "Why are we here, master?" Kirsten asked.

"I'll tell you what to do." He chuckled as he sat down. "Your quest is to climb the mountains
and grab some golden bamboos. After that, you'll go inside a dark cave and place it down in front
of the sleeping golden dragon." He explained. "You only have one day." He added. Everyone panicked
and started to climb the mountains to look for some golden bamboos.

After hours, they finally found some golden bamboos. They took the bamboos carefully. Unexpectedly,
Jamie—That is now a baby, cried. They heard liquid inside the bamboo. "Guys! It's milk!" Whispered Rhea.
Jamie drank the milk and stopped crying. Everyone starts to awe. "Now she's just my baby sister." ARKI mumbled
to herself as they walk through the dark cave.

"Let's just go in, we only have one day." Said Kirsten. (A/n: Sorry but, I forgot to tell you guys that Jevelhyn died in
chapter 12, but I forgot already. Sorry!). "Shhhh!" They continued to walk, but stopped. They saw two red glowing eyes. They
thought it was the glowing eyes of the golden dragon. Everyone froze and didnt know what to do. "Guys, it was just rubies!"
Whispered Rhea. So they placed the golden bamboos on the ground and left silently.

"Now, mine some diamonds and throw it very high up in the air." Takeshi said even if they can't see him. They went
to find another cave and mined some diamonds. "Keisha, do you have some wood?" Gia asked. "Yes, but not enough to share."
Keisha answered while busy with the sticks. Arki created a campfire for them. "We need to get going now." Dara said, packing her
things. While walking in the cave, they saw a shadow of a girl.

"WHO IS THAT?!" Shouted SkeleNaj. Everyone was scared. They followed the shadow in the darkness. A few minutes later,
they heard a girl singing and screaming at the same time. After walking and turning round and round, they found a dungeon.
"H..e..l..p..m..e.." Said by a mysterious voice. "OLE OLE." Shouted by a voice. "What does that mean?" Asked Kirsten. "It means look up."
Nika answered. "But I don't see anything up there..." Whispered Julius.

"I-Is that..." Dara was cut off as Kirsten screams in terror of what she is seeing. "Zach?" Asked SkeleNaj. "Why would he kill
himself?" Asked Julius. They suddenly heard a gunshot. "Maybe he's been cloned by little, cutie Jamie." Said Athena while pinching
Jamie's cheeks. Then Kiara and Feivel started to talk.

"It's hard to find out if it's really Zach or not." Kiara mumbled to herself.

"I don't like Zach."

"Why not?"

"He's just evil, not nice."

After the conversation, they heard a girl singing. "She's too creepy!" Whispered SkeleNaj. After a few
minutes of walking around, they heard the girl sing again. "Who are you! Show yourself!" Shouted SkeleNaj. "Good
job SkeleNaj, that's a very stupid idea." Whispered Nika. They continued walking until they found the exit to the cave,
but they saw someone coming so they hid.

"What is that?" Asked Keisha. They suddenly saw a man in black and a man in gray. The two man took their masks off.
"OMG! IT'S THE GUY WE MET BEFORE! AND THE OTHER ONE— Royce?" SkeleNaj freaked out. "Is that brother? I assume it is!" Kirsten
whispered to herself. She ran after the man and Nika followed. Then, Royce was cornered, caught, and nothing to hold onto.
"TELL US! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Shouted Kiara.

"Ugh!" He rolled his eyes. "I-I killed Philip." He admitted the truth. All of them gasped, and froze. "WHY?!!!" Shouted Gia.
"Dr. Jamie was childhood friends with Phlip. As much as we needed him, we still haven't had a 'successful' revenge on Jamie,
so I killed someone she had cared for." Royce finally admitted the truth and explained why he killep Philip.


"Sorry that I shot you, skelebones." The man in grey apologized. "It's fine, by the way it's SkeleNaj." SkeleNaj said. "I'm rian."
He shaked hands with SkeleNaj. "We finally know Royce's secret." Said Kiara. She explained everything she heard from Royce. "I can't
take the truth... It's hard to let it sink in." Whispered Julius. Since Phlip died, they didn't had enough weapons and other potions.
Royce started crying and apologizing, but everyone just glared at him. He quickly took a gun from his pocket and shot himself...

~~To be continued~~

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