Chapter 7-A Mystery

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"It's not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that defines us."

"Right now, we have to be careful of the things we do." Said Royce. "Maybe they're already
hunting for us!" Said Dara. "Don't worry guys, we are toge---" Said Kirsten but her sentence
was cut off because they heard a scream. "Umm... Guys, where's Athena?" Asked Julius. "ATHENA
IS MISSING!" Said Nika. They all started to panic.

"We have to split up! Royce, you go with Keisha and Julius! Darrell, you're with Jevelhyn. Dara,
with SkeleNaj. And I go with my sister!" Said Nika. Camera 564 - At Julius, Keisha, and Royce. "Hey,
uhh... Julius, you seem very stressed." Whispered Keisha. "No I'm not, and Keisha, why are you blushing?"
Julius responded. Keisha shook her head.

Camera 550 - At Dara and SkeleNaj. "Hey, did you know my arm can be a boomerang?" Said SkeleNaj
as they walk through the streets. "Yeah, I already know that like 100 times!" Dara responded. Camera 555 -
At Kirsten and Nika. "I wonder if they're taking it seriously." Said Kirsten. "Come on, just chill. It's not
like she's gonna die, right?" Nika responded. Kirsten just nodded her head.

Author: Hey! If you don't know, I added three new people to the group. Isabel, Feivel, and Kiara. Thanks!

Camera 660 - At Isabel, Feivel, and Kiara. "Girl, I really think you're evil." Said Isabel. "Really? I'm not
joking! I'm innocent!" Said Feivel. Camera 345 and 639 - At Philip, Darrell, Jevelhyn, Gia, and Rhea. "I don't know where to
look first. This city is freaking big!" Said Philip. "If this city is big, there's a lot of people. It means a lot
of zombies!" Whispered Rhea. "Oh come on! You believe in that?" Said Gia.

"Let's just look for Athena and stop whining!" Said Darrell. Back at camera 564 - Julius, Keisha,
and Royce. Julius and Royce were fighting over Keisha. Royce kept giving Julius a dirty look on his
face. Let's go where Athena is; "You're not going anywhere, Athena." Whispered Lee.
"Let me out! I knew that you were evil!" Shouted Athena.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna kill you. We're just gonna hurt you really bad." Whispered Zach.
"Please let me go!" Shouted Athena as a tear drops out of her eye. They ignored her and took out a very
sharp katana. "This is perfect." Whispered Lee to himself. Lee's phone suddenly rang. He answered the phone
and Athena heard all of the things that he said.

"Did you get one of them?" Asked by a voice on his phone. "I did, master." Lee responded. "Where are
you now?" The voice then asked Lee again. "Let's go! Before we're too late!" Said Kirsten. They all stopped
and saw a house nearby. "Guys, does this house looks suspicious to you?" Asked Kirsten. "IDK!" Everyone answered.
"We have to figure out how to open this damn locked door." Whispered Nika. "Dara can handle this!" Said SkeleNaj.

"But we don't have a bobbie pin." Whispered Dara. Keisha just untied her her and lended a bobbie pin
to Dara. "Umm.... You all have to wait for five minutes, okay?" Asked Dara. Everyone nodded their head.
"I feel like this window is a one-way glass." Whispered SkeleNaj. "How'd you tell?" Asked Jevelhyn .
"Cause from what I see, it's a picture of a house. Maybe the person who's watching us knows what's happening." Answered SkeleNaj.

"How did you got your brain back?" Asked Isabel. "It's just the sense of my tiniest brain." Answered SkeleNaj.
"I'm done! The door is now unlocked!" Said Dara. They all went in and all they could see was pitch black. There was
a little bit of light coming out of the window. They saw Athena and three familiar looking boys. "Well we better
hide!" Said Gia. They all hid in their own places.

"What do we do now?" Asked Feivel. "Someone has to distract them." Whispered SkeleNaj. "I'll do it." Julius responded.
"We'll go up there and bang their heads!" Whispered Nika and Royce. Julius showed up and started to distract them while Nika and
Royce go up. Nika found an anvil and took it. While the rest are for back up. "Let her go!" Shouted Julius. They immediately
dropped the anvil and it went smashing into Lee's head. It was very disturbing to watch.

"Job done!" Shouted Nika. Julius freed Athena. "Where's Zach and Jumar?" Asked Athena. "They must've
got out! Those bastards!" Said Kirsten. "Let's just get outta here." Said Darrell. They all went outside the house
to get some fresh air. They walked aroung Vanessa city and they decided to split up to find some things that can
ba useful. Author: they have the same groups as before.

They all saw a greenpark and went in. They saw a camp with twelve tents. "Alright! Here's some phones!
We found it when we were walking our way here." Said Nika. They gave the group some phones if something
happens. As the day goes by, they all went to their tents. Keisha and SkeleNaj were sharing tents. "Why did the
chicken crossed the road?" Asked SkeleNaj. Keisha looked at SkeleNaj.

"Because they need to buy chicken nuggets in smcdonalds!" Answered SkeleNaj. Keisha gave SkeleNaj the
"Death Glare". In the middle of the night, Feivel eventually woke up and heard a scream. She wanted to wake
Everyone up but she didn't. The next day, Feivel told her friends of what happed earlier. "Firstly, where the heck
is Isabel?" Asked Gia. "It must be her! We checked everywhere but we can't find her!" Said Kiara.

"Maybe it's Zach and Jumar who did this!" Said Jevelhyn. So they went deeper into the woods and saw an
abandoned mansion. They opened the doors and hid. "That's Isabel! She's about to fall into the hole of zombies!"
Whsipered Darrell. "Kiddos! You better come out!" Shouted Zach. "We need to get her out!" Shouted Philip. But they
were too late, the two boys cut off the rope that was holding her and fell into the hole.

"Noooo!" Shouted Kiara as she cries. SkeleNaj took his handy-dandy pipe and smashed it to Jumar's head.
After the death of Jumar, Zach already got out. They tried to find Zach, but they then failed. Suddenly, they heard
gunshots. They jumped out of the window and ran as fast as they could. They went to another city called
"Zew Nyork". There were lots of people living there.

They went near the statue of Gibertty. "This makes me more happier!" Said SkeleNaj. They explored the
city. "What if Zach was following us?" Asked Darrell...... To be continued........

Author: Don't forget to vote and comment what you think about it! Thanks!

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