Chapter 8-A Good Zombie

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"I'm much more me when I'm with you."

"How about we look for a house we could stay in?" Asked Dara. They all had money from the bank
(Do you remember?). So they rented a small apartment. They all sat down. "Let's talk about school."
Said Keisha. "Soo... Rhea, truth or dare?" Asked Dara. "Well, truth." Rhea responded. "Do you really love
your husband?" Asked Dara. (Author: Since Rhea was a president before, she had a husband.)

"I-I do love my husband! That's why I married him! Logic!" Answered Rhea. Everyone stared at
Rhea for a minute. "What? I'm ten years older than you guys!" Said Rhea. Suddenly, they heard a
bang at the door. Royce slowly took out his gun and he slowly opened the door. When he opened the
Door, they saw a zombie. "Don't kill me! I'm a good zombie! Believe me!" Said the zombie.

"Then what is you name?" Asked Royce. The zombie took out a name tag that says "I'm Marco."
"Why have you come here?" Asked Royce. "I was looking for shelter." Answered Marco. "Well, you could
come with us." Said Royce. "Do you eat people?" Asked Philip. Marco shook his head. "Do you have a boss?"
Asked Kirsten. "Yeah, it's Dr. Jamie De ferachha. She's from Prance." Answered Marco.

"Wait, is she the one who built the statue of Gibertty and gave it to Camerica?" Asked Keisha.
Marco nodded his head. "Are you saying that Dr. Jamie have secrets inside the statue of Gibertty?"
Asked Jevelhyn. "Let's go check it out!" Said Royce. They went inside the statue of Gibertty. They were
not surprised to see a lab inside there.

"Let's check this lab. Maybe we could find some useful stuff here." Said Kirsten. While they were
poking some stuff out, they suddenly heard the door open. "Hide!" Whispered Marco to everyone.
"What are you doing here, Marco?" Asked Dr. Jamie. "Oh! I was just guarding the place." Answered Marco.
When Dr. Jamie got out of the room, they immediately escaped.

"Phew! That was a close one!" Whispered SkeleNaj. "Next time, we should be quick on getting
potions and stuffs." Said Kirsten. Everyone agreed to Kirsten's opinion. A few minutes later,
SkeleNaj and Dara were gone missing. "I'm sure Jamie and Zach have something to do with this."
Said Kiara. When they went outside, they saw the statue of Gibertty moving.

"Is that Dr. Jamie?" Asked Philip. Dr. Jamie's plan was to take over Zew Nyork, yet she's just
beginning. "Ah... There you all are! Do you want me to kill these two? OR give me what I want!"
Shouted Dr. Jamie from above. They all had a plan. They went to a high place. They saw a rock and
pushed it. Suddenly, a light was seen and everything stopped but the group can still move.

"A-Are you an angel?" Asked Jevelhyn. "Indeed, I am an angel from above." The angel answered.
"I've come here to give back your friend's life." Said the angel. "But, in one condition. You have to
give me something to thank me. If you failed, someone has to die tomorrow. During sunset." Whispered the
angel. Time resumed and the light disappeared.

The statue of Gibertty stopped moving and SkeleNaj and Dara was saved. "Phew, I didn't know what to
do that time." Said SkeleNaj. "We have to find something to thank the angel!" Said Gia. "Angels don't
need things as a reward." Whispered Dara. "How about helping the people to get out?" Asked Royce. "O-Okay?
Anything else?" Asked Kirsten. They went back to their small apartment and talked abou it.

"We're so doomed!" Said Dara. "No, we're not doomed. We can find something!" Said Athena and Kiara.
They went to a nearby forest. The next day, it was already sunrise. FAST FORWARD TO SUNSET! Suddenly, a bright
light appeared. They quickly approached the angel with nothing in their hands. "Sorry, but we can't give you anything.
But we would like to thank you for saving our friends." Said Keisha.

"It's okay, don't mention it." Whispered the angel. "By the way, what's your name?" Asked Darrell.
"My name is Scarla." Answered the angel. The light quickly disappeared and they saw Isabel. "I-Isabel?
Is that really you?!" Asked Kiara. But Isabel didn't remember anything, except for her name and her two friends.
"What happened? Where am I?" Asked Isabel.

"We're in Zew Nyork, and we saved you from your death." Answered Feivel. "That's a lie. (Lie - BTS starts to play)
What really happened was, you died from falling to a hole of zombies, but resurrected back to life." Royce explained.
"Guys! Let's just not tell her the truth." Whispered Kirsten. "Nice timing, 'cause I already told her about it."
Said Royce. "*sigh* Whatever, let's just continue what we're doing." Said Kirsten.

"Ok, where do we go?" Asked Dara. "To the place! Statue of Gibertty!" Said Kirsten. As they were going
back to the place, a hoard of newly-created mutant zombies were rushing up to them. "Oh no! What do we do
no?" Asked Keisha. "We fight! All of you, go back! Julius! Philip! SkeleNaj! Help me!" Shouted Royce.

All the mutant zombies were killed. "This must have something to do with Zach and Dr. Jamie. When they
eventually got there, they saw Dr. Jamie making some green stuff thingies. "HIDE AGAIN!" Whispered Marco.
Dr. Jamie went outside. "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" Asked Dr. Jamie. "No! Why would I
even stalk you?" Marco responded.

"Well, make sure no one comes here." Whispered Dr. Jamie. "I'll make sure of that!" Said Marco. As Dr. Jamie
left, they all took the potions and one of them is "the body building potion". After taking some potions, they
all went outside and escaped. "Success!" Shouted Marco. They went back and saw lots of zombies. "Umm... Are you sure
this is safe?" Asked SkeleNaj. "Of course not!" Answered Dara. They saw an airport with lots of people inside it.

They ran quickly to the plane and flew to Hanada. "I'm so bored!" Gia whined. 4 hours later, they finally landed
at Hanada. They went to a plce nearby where they can buy some guns and other weapons. "Good thing that we took the
money from the bank." Whispered Royce. After buying some guns, they kept it and put it in their pockets. They went to
a luxury hotel and stayed there for the night. "This is so cool! They have Ybox and a big flat screen TV!" Said SkeleNaj.

Royce and Nika played some Loblox in Ybox. They also played linecraft, Call of Juty, and Rattlefield. At that night,
everyone was asleep except for them two. But they heard a bang at the door. "Who is that?" Shouted Nika as they walk
towards the door. They peeked at the little hole at the door and saw a creepy boy smiling. They didn't open the door but
they saw the boy trying to open the back door. Author: the luxury hotel has a backyard and all rooms lead to it.

They all closed the windows and doors, and turned off the lights and just used flashlights. "He has a sword!" Whispered
Darrell. "Why don't we call the cops?" Whispered Kiara. "That would be a bad idea. 'Cause they're gonna arrive like after
we're dead!" Whispered Kirsten. They all opened the front door..... To be continued.......

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