Chapter 10-A secret

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"Don't buy friendship, earn it."

Dara picks up the bones she stepped on. She quickly saw a skull on the ground.. "That looks like my
granma." Whispered Royce. "Let's go to Arki's lab so she can check if this is truly Royce's grandma."
Said Rhea. SkeleNaj took the broom that Arki gave him and he lead the way. Finally, they found a young
woman looking at them.

"ARKI!" Shouted SkeleNaj. "How can I help you?" Asked the lady. "Are you really Arki?" Asked Gia. The lady
nodded her head. "So you're a scientist?" Asked Jevelhyn. "I am a scientist, so what can I help you with?"
Asked Arki. "Well, we wanna know if these bones are real and if they are Royce's grandma." Answered Philip.
"Why don't you go to bed? There are lots of bedrooms there." Said Dr. Arki.

"Thank you for your kindness." Said Keisha. They all had rooms for themselves. The girls and boys went to
Philip's bedroom. "Hey Philip, is Dr. Jamie your childhood friend?" Asked Royce. "I have double friendships, first
is you and second is Jamie. I lost contact with her when they moved to a forest." Answered Philip. Royce
took his gun without anyone knowing and he put it in his pocket.

"Just give us some time." Said Royce. Royce went to the backyard of the lab and he talked with Philip. "Are you
trading chemicals with Jamie?" Asked Royce. "Umm... No, I would never do that." Answered Philip. "I know you're
lying 'cause when we were staying at the bank, I saw you and Dr. Jamie trading some chemicals." Said Royce. "I-I-Is
that true?" Asked Keisha. "I surrender, Jamie was my childhood friend and I can't leave her like that." Said Philip.

"ROYCE! DON'T SHOOT HIM!" Shouted Keisha. But Royce ignored her and was already too late. Keisha cried and was about
to fight Royce. But Julius stopped her by hugging her tight. "Keep this a secret." Whispered Royce. After that, Keisha and Julius
blushed and Keisha stopped crying. "I-I had a crush on you since we first met." Whispered Julius. "This isn't the time."
Whispered Keisha. She ran away and cried in the bathroom.

The group saw her crying while Dr. Arki is busy studying the bones. Keisha opened the bathroom door full of tears
flowing through her face like a river. "What happened?" Kirsten asked. "It's nothing. Someone was chopping onions."
Keisha answered. "Are you sure?" Dara made sure if she's trying to tell the truth. "Guys! Philip is dead!" Shouted Gia and
Rhea. Everyone had the is-this-a-dream look on their faces.

"Wh-who did this?!" Jevelhyn asked with sadness in her voice. "We don't know, we don't know." Royce repeated his
words. "Are you hiding something from us?" Dara asked curiously. "What?! Why would I kill my friend!" Royce answered.
"Cuz you seem bloody, duh!" Dara exclaimed. "I-uh-I killed some zombies!" Royce answered. "Hey! Why is keisha crying?" Darrell
asked. "The truth is..." Julius was about to say it but Royce suddenly cut off his sentnce.

"Huh?" He saw Royce staring at him. "Philip... Got killed by a zombie." Julius said with a low voice. Royce nodded
at Julius. "Julius whispered/murmured. The group just went everywhere and just did their own business except for Royce and
Julius. "Wow thanks." Royce whispered. "No worries, you looked like you were gonna kill me. So I took the
safer option." Julius whispered. Royce smirked and followed the gang afterwards.

As they took off, they saw a weird form in the size of a truck, the shape of a disfigured human,
wearing white. They slowly walked behind it. "What is that thing?" Whispered Dara. "I don't know but let's find out."
Whispered Julius. Unfortunately, the 'thing' heard their footsteps. The 'thing' had long hair and was
wearing glasses. "SHVT! THAT'S DR. JAMIE!" Shouted Kiara, while running away from it.

"Is she mutated?" Kirsten asked. Royce nodded his head. "She probably made a potion to transform
herself." Gia whispered. "She's so creepy!" Nika whispered. "Don't worry." Kirsten responded back. "Royce,
do you know anything about Dr. Jamie's new lab?" Dara asked. "I don't have any clue about it." Royce
answered with a sad tone. "I shouldn't have killed Philip..." Royce whispered to himself.

"Say what?" Marco asked. "Oh! Nothing! I was just worried!" Royce responded. "Umm... Dara,
do you mind if we talk privately?" Kirsten asked Dara with a low voice. They went to a place not that
far, no people, and also quiet. "Do you think Royce is hiding something from us?" Kirsten whispered.
"I don't know, but let's just observe." Dara answered.

They both returned where the others were, but they didn't say a word. "Royce, you should check if
Jamie is still there." Kirsten whispered to Royce. While Royce was checking, the others suspected him.
"Keep this a secret, do you guys feel something fishy going on with Royce?" Dara asked the others.
They were surprised that everyone nodded their heads.

"Well, Kirsten and I has a brother working as a private investigator." Nika said. "Where can we find
him?" The others asked. "We have a problem." Keisha said. But Royce heard it all... He ran away and hid. To be continued......

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