Chapter 11-Different

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"Oh no... This can't be happening. Tell me this can't..." Dara suddenly fainted and everyone began
to worry. Meanwhile, Royce saw Dr. Jamie with an injection on her hand. He took a rock and threw it
at her. He quickly approached her and took the injection. He injected it to her neck. "I wonder what it does."
He whispered to himself. He ran away to the forest and hid.

"Is that Dr. Jamie sleeping?" Asked SkeleNaj. They walked towards the unconscious Dr. Jamie. "Looks
like someone injected her something." Kiara said while pointing out the injection on the floor. "It
must've been Royce." Said Athena. Suddenly, they heard something behind the cars. "Hello? Anyone there? We're
not zombies." Nika shouted. "Hmm... Julius and SkeleNaj, why don't you check?" They both went behind the cars.

"KNEEL!" A voice said.

They had no choice but to kneel.


"Who are your sisters?"

The man almost shot Julius, but SkeleNaj stayed in front of him.

But SkeleNaj wasn't dead, he just pretended to be dead, since he's just a skeleton.

"I won't let you see your sisters! You killed my friend!"

Then, the man ran away.

"That was great acting dude!" Said SkeleNaj. "I hope that man won't return again." Said Julius.
"Haha yeah." SkeleNaj responded with an awkward laugh. So they just went back to the group to help
investigate the mysterious hibernation of Jamie. "Let's just bring her body to Arki's lab so Arki can
have an autopsy procedure on her." Keisha explained.

They all went to Arki's lab and greeted her. "Hey Arki, we found Dr. Jamie's body hibernating in the city."
Kirsten said while giving her the body. As the procedure got done, Arki called them. "It was caused by an injection
to the body, and I also found some particles in her body caled 'Nanobytes'." She said. "Wow, how fascinating."
Everyone whispered to themselves. Then, SkeleNaj explained everything that happened to earlier.

He gave the bullet to see who's fingerprints is it. "You have to wait until the result comes." Arki said while
starting the autopsy. "About two weeks." She addded. She saw Athena's face, which made her laugh. The next day,
they woke up and saw Arki crying. They asked her what's wrong. "Jamie is my sister, and she could die because
of the injection." She answered. But then suddenly, Jamie awakens!

"Oh my gosh!" Feivel screamed in shock. "Hello? Jamie?" Arki asked her sister. "GOO GOO GA GA!" Jamie
shouted. Everyone was confused, and Jamie started crying. To be continued.....

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