Chapter 15-Future

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"The best way to predict your future is to create it."

"Welcome to Bengland guys!" SkeleNaj shouted. "Guys, we have weapons right? We have to hide from the guards!"
Nika warned all of them, the all nodded. They went to a hidden river where lonely people go to, but very hidden. But
in all of a sudden, they saw a policeman. "Shhhh!" The policeman dropped his weapons or I guess just his gun. They all
showed theirselves to the policeman. "Who are you?" "I'm officer David👮🏻. "The zombies are coming!"

"Let's go to my place. Come!" Shouted the officer. The officer lead them to a small house. "It's so cramped!" Everyone
was complaining of how small his place and they all couldn't fit through. Then, the officer pulled one of the books and
a secret door just opened out of the wall. "Hi! I'm Mandy and this is Doc!" A enthusiastic boy startled them. "Umm... Am
I dreaming? There's two of them!" Athena and Keisha were curious.

"The thing is, they are twins." Answered the officer. "I'm hungry!" SkeleNaj whined. "Kirsten, you go get some food
outside." Said Dara. Then, she quickly headed outside. While she was walking around Bengland, no weapons, she saw a
burned down school like hers. She went in and she accidentally went to the library instead of going to the canteen. She
saw something under the table, the table was surrounded with boxes and she walked towards it.

Kirsten got startled. "Shhhhh!" A mysterious voice from the table startled her again. The mysterious thing went outside
of the table.

"I'm Keiko, I'm from the future and I can make portals to other dimensions and locations!"

"Then why are you hiding here?"

"Because of the zombies!"

"Ok, but the zombies won't reach you here."

"But I can see the future! The zombies will reach us here!"

"Ok that's it, I'm telling you to my friends."

She rushed out of the library but she forgot where their secret place was. "Oh no, I might have to talk to that
crazy lady to bring me back to them... Ughhhhh." She whispered to herself. She hesitated, but she chose to go back to the library.

"What do you want, young lady?"

"Do you know a secret place that's near a river?"

"Oh yes! I know! Come, follow me!"

They jumped into the portal to somewhere.

"This is not what it looked like!"

"I think the portal is broken..."

"Wait, we're not in Kapan! We're still in Bengland!"

"Hide! We can't show ourselves. We are from the future!"

"Feivel would probably kill me if she saw me."

Keiko set another portal and jumped in.

"Why are there zombies in Bengland? They're just at the secret river!"

"CUZ WE ARE IN THE FUTURE! Use your brain young lady!"


"Why is Kirsten taking so long?"

"Maybe she got caught or something."

"We have to split up! We need to find her."

They all split into twos and threes while Arki, Jamie, and the officer stay at the place. The groups went
searching for Kirsten. ~Meanwhile~ "uh-oh, I think Feivel saw us." Kirsten whispered to Keiko. Feivel, the zombie,
was trying to run towards Kirsten. Kirsten took a gun from the floor and shot her. "Phew! That was close!" Keiko shouted.
Zombies immediately started to surround them.

"Open the portal! Now!" Shouted Kirsten. They hopped in and BOOM! The zombies got confused. They were just in a white
big box.

"Ok! We're finally in the place I wanna show you!"

"Well, this is weird.

"Inside that house is my friends!"

They went inside the house and Kirsten immediately pulled out a gun.

"Don't shoot them! They're my friends!"

"You must be joking! They're all zombies!"
"What is wrong with you?!"

"I don't know!"


"Where is Kirsten?"

"I'm super worried. She's my sister!"

"What if she's... Dead?"


Meanwhile... Again

"Listen, I don't need to meet your friends, Keiko. All I need is to go back to my friends and that's all I want!"


Keiko opened a new portal and hopped in. They finally got back to where Kirsten's friends are.

"Finally! Thanks for bringing me back."

She knocked on the door and everyone was shocked.

"Kirsten, where have you been? We've been so worried!"

"Hey, who's that lady?"

"She's my friend, Keiko."

"Maco!" Shouted Jamie.

"Who is Maco?"

Jamie kept shouting 'maco'. "Wait, where IS Marco?"

To be continued...

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