Chapter 19-Story

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"I haven't seen my sister for awhile now. Maybe she's busy? I miss her already!" Jamie mumbled to herself. "I want you to not go outside. We-we're going to clean." Said the man. Jamie nodded her head. So she sat on the ground, waiting for her sister to come back and play with her. But she didn't come. She started crying. "Huh? What's that noise from outside?" Jamie asked.

She was curious, so she opened the door, and with wide eyes, she saw her sister and her friends. So she went back inside, and think about what she saw. Then, the man came in.

"I'm sorry kid, you won't see your sister. They left you because they didn't want to take care of you anymore." Said the man. "What? I-I don't understand. Why would they leave me?" She asked as she started crying. "They betrayed you." Explained the man. Jamie curled up her fist into a ball. "They're monsters! I dont want to see them again! And if I will, I WILL CUT THEIR HEADS OFF!" She said.

Jamie wiped her tears as she took the rifle that was on the table. "Teach me how to use this!" She said. The man grinned. A few days later, Jamie went out of the gates to fight zombies. For every new member, they always do this. They leave this person outside. If he's alive, he's in. If he'll never come back, he's removed. Jamie gripped tight on her katana as she starts moving.

Then, an abnormal zombie came running towards her. Abnormal zombies run faster than normal zombies you'd see outside. She was afraid. She froze. She didn't know what to do. Her tears started to drop. She knew that it's her end. But before she knew it, someone, quick enough, sliced the zombies' head. It was a hooded figure, a girl. Jamie looked at her, and the girl glanced back. Then, the girl suddenly goes away.

She was amused. She dropoed her katana, and ran back to the gates. "I killed an abnormal zombie!" Then the other people started to mumble. Mumble,mumble. The man walked up towards her saying, "Y-You're incredible. I have never even killed one myself. But a have seen it. By the way, you're in. My name's Roger. Call me Sir." He said. Jamie nodded as they go back inside. "I actually did it! I'm going to be able to fight those traitors!" She thought.

Roger led Jamie to a small shed with abundant food, a bed, and clothing. Jamie wasn't surprised. Then, she started spacing out. "CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Roger commanded. "Yes, sir!" Jamie responded. "I'm going to tell you my story. I haven't told this to anyone, only you." Roger said. Jamie kept silent as Roger starts. "Well, I was with my bestfriend before, and we encountered this abnormal, fast, zombie. I was about to kill it, but I froze." He said.

"Thus, my friend had to stop it. He tried everything. He got bit but he still continued to kill the zombie. Later that day, I ended up killing him, all because of me. I shouldn't have froze." He added. Jamie had been in Rogers situation, too. "It's okay. But you should move on." Said Jamie. Then, Roger looked at Jamie and said,

To be continued...

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