Chapter 6-The Adventure of SkeleNaj

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"When the cat is away, the mice will play."
"Naj! Let's go!" Shouted Darrell. SkeleNaj followed Gia and ran as quickly as they could.
"Wait, what are we doing? We're waisting our time!" The smart zombies said. SkeleNaj ran towards
the group. While SkeleNaj was running, he found a jacket so he took it. But he accidentally
tripped over a pipe. Good thing that the smart zombies didn't see him.

"Ouch ouch ouch!" Whispered SkeleNaj. He quickly formed himself into a rock, so
the smart zombies won't see him. "This is a weird looking rock, eh?" Siad the smart zombie.
But the zombie didn't mind so he just passed over it. He sneakily went to the forest but he was
lost. He went deeper into the woods but he still can't find his friends.

He went right, he went left, he went everywhere to find his friends but still nothing.
All he found was piles of foot prints. So he followed the foot prints. "HELLO? DARA? KIRSTEN?
ANYONE?!" Shouted SkeleNaj. He went deeper into the woods and found a trail of leaves.
He followed the trail and it lead him to a camp.

"HELLO? ANYONE THERE?" Shouted SkeleNaj. After a second, he saw three guys talking to
each other. He hid behind a tree and he recognized the three guys as: Zach, Lee, and Jumar.
He heard their plan of killing him and his friends. "OMG! I have to tell this once I get back!"
Whispered SkeleNaj to himself. "I saw the group a while ago." Said Jumar.

SkeleNaj cried silently. "How can our friends do this to us?" Whispered SkeleNaj to
himself. He suddenly tripped and the three heard him. He ran away and hid behind another tree.
"*yawns* I'm so tired, I should take a nap now." Whispered SkeleNaj to himself. So he slept
behind the tree and under the stars. The next day, he continued to look for his friends.

He went to Dr. Jamie's lab. "Maybe they're in there!" Whispered SkeleNaj. He peeped
through the window, but no one was there. So he went to Arki's hut to ask for help. He
saw Arki doing something. "Arki, what are you doing?" Asked SkeleNaj. "Oh, I'm making
potions for someone special." Answered Arki.

"Do you know where my friends are?" Asked SkeleNaj. "I don't know, but my
magic ball could help you." Answered Arki. They looked at the ball and SkeleNaj saw his
friends were already at Vanessa city. "That's a long way, you should use my
broomstick to go there." Arki offered.

So he took the broomstick and flew away. "Woah! This is fun but also fast at the same time!"
Shouted SkeleNaj. After thirty minutes, he finally landed to Vanessa city. "Where do I go now?"
Asked SkeleNaj. He went left and right but he saw nothing. Suddenly, SkeleNaj saw a factory in
front of him. "This is a wrong landing place!" Said SkeleNaj.

He heard a voice calling him. He followed the voice but he failed. A girl with
a hat came to her. "Naj! It's me! Kirsten!" Said the girl. Kirsten took Naj where
their friends were hiding. "Guys! I have to tall you something!" Said SkeleNaj. "What
is it?" Asked Dara. "The three guys are planning to kill us." Answered SkeleNaj.

Everyone was shocked,including Jevelhyn. "I think Dr. Jamie's using them to kill us!" Said Kirsten.
...... To be continued.......

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