Chapter 1

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You woke up after your 15-hour, long sleep. Every bone aching, but you chose to ignore it and marched to the bathroom.

It took you about 20 minutes to iron the school uniform, which you ended up wearing it semi-ironed at the end.

A puff of air parted your lips and caused a small fog when you walked outside the house. It was biting and for some reason, it looked like it would rain. You rubbed your hands over your arms, hoping for a bit of warmth as you waited for the school bus.

You chose to occupy yourself with untangling your earphones until the bus would miraculously appear.

For some reason, the bus was late. You were cold and hungry. Being all alone didn't help in the situation either. And even the music playing in your ears didn't work their magic as usual.

Looking around, figure was approaching you, but you couldn't really tell who that person was, even if he was wearing the same unifrom as yours.

Even under his face mask, you still couldn't tell who he was, not even when he stood silently just few inches away.

"Good morning," you softly uttered after mustering the courage. You weren't the kind of person to start the conversation, but your curiosity was peaked.

He seemed to have just been punched in the face and forced out of bed. You could literally see his facial expression under the mask, a sour face.

A thought crossed your mind, but you were certain if you really committed to it, you would be pushed in front of a truck.

You shoved your freezing hands in your pockets before you do anything irrational and chose to remain silent for the sake of living another day.

The familiar yellow bus appeared from a distance, you muttered a soft prayer of happiness that you didn't have to live another awkward moment.

You totally forgot about the grumpy dude and almost jumped to get on the bus, but he got on first, literally pushing you away.

Letting it slide, you got on the bus after him and waited for him to choose a seat. You impatiently tapped your feet, hoping he would notice and get the message, but it was of no use.

When he finally made up his mind, he sat near the end of the bus, which was one seat away from the couch. And he chose to sit next to the window, your seat.

At that very moment, you were sure today wasn't your day.

However, you decided to confront him. But something felt wrong. It was like your whole body was flashing red light. It was warning you, but being your dumb self, you still approached him.

"That's my seat."

He nonchalantly looked at you, "the bus is literally empty. You can sit anywhere."

To save yourself pain and misery, you moved to a different place. You didn't plan or even think for a split second to take the seat beside him. He was already driving you nuts.


You had barely opened your eyes when you felt someone tapping your head roughly. You heard deep, unfamiliar voice trying to wake you up, but the owner seemed to give up from the second try. You weren't really sure what woke you up, the rough tapping, or the loud sigh that followed the person's 'wake up'.

On opening your eyes you recognized it was that guy from earlier, looking as done from life as ever. Somehow you managed to walk past him, mumbling a hesitant thank you as you led yourself outside the narrow, metallic bus. Your vision was a bit blurry from the nap you took earlier, you couldn't walk properly for a good five minutes.

You magically regained your consciousness once you somehow managed to spot your best friend, who was waving at you from a distance.

Your legs automatically made their way to where Sun-mi and her boyfriend were. Anger was boiling inside you for some noncomprehending reason that you forgot to greet them and started cursing this guy from earlier.

"He literally pushed me away when I was trying to get on the bus like any normal person, and he didn't even greet me back. He was as silent as a rock, and so damn rude. I was trying to be nice, but he have this bitch resting, cold, stone face."

Sun-mi and Baekhyun exchanged a look before setting their attention back at you. "He seems like he needs a good punch. But until I punch him, breathe!" 

"How does he look like?" Baekhyun finally asked after staying silent.

" very tall..." 


"I don't know, I didn't get to see his face. He's wearing a face mask." You explained before they think you had lost your mind and started imagining things.

 Your eyes noticed how Baekhyun had stopped breathing for almost five seconds before waving to someone. You knew immediately that his friends were about to join your small group. You were all well acquainted with one another, but something didn't sit right within you, you had to turn around one-eight degrees.

It almost seemed like any usual morning with your friends joining for some chit-chats before the school day starts, until you spotted the guy with the face mask that you knew the reason behind Baekhyun's reaction.

He's literally the only one wearing a mask, and that made him stand out, it would be easy for anyone to spot him among a crowd.

You thought he just happened to be walking towards the same direction as the others and that made him look as if he was one of them, but no. This thought was a total lie.

He actually was walking with the others. He was one of them.

He was Baekhyun's friend. And what was more, he was about to join the three of you.

"Is that the guy you were talking about?" Sun-mi whispered, or at least tried.

You barely had the chance to nod when he, in a less than a second, was standing beside you.

For a split second you noticed him sparing you a glance, but when you looked at Sun-mi to check if she had seen it too, she was too distracted talking to Chen.

"Morning, everyone!" Sehun cheerfully shouted.

"In case you haven't noticed," Kai cleared his throat, mainly attracted your and Sun-mi's attentions. "This is Chanyeol his new, but we were already close from before."

Chanyeol awkwardly waved, "hey."

"You"ll be joining us during break time, right?" Baekhyun asked.

He seemed to mull it over, but when the seven other guys, including Sun-mi, kept persuading him, he had to agree.

At this very moment, you envied him for wearing a face mask that covered his sour face, because you were certain you couldn't hide yours.



Hehe~ finally edited the chapter! Hope you enjoyed reading it, and I am so sorry I kept you waiting for long.

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Thank you for reading! 🙈

(wait for ✨chapter 2✨)

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